so... i'm looking for a new laptop to replace my desktop (old 3ghz p4 w/ HT, 2ghz ram 128mb vid) have a price range of around $500... def nothing over $600 (tax/shipping included). It looks like about everything in this price range comes with win7 home premium and thats just fine for what I need.
I don't need a gaming scream machine (couldn't for that price anyway), but I do a a bit of photo editing, will be doing a lot of internet, and playing with MS office... my desktop seems to do an OK job but I know things have advanced a lot in the new dual core era :) and my graphics card wasn't exactly high end when I got the thing
will be traveling a bit over the next year so sub 16" would be good.
outright battery life is not at the top of the list but it would be nice.
esata to use my external HDD a big plus
HDMI would be a perk
SD card reader is a must
web cam not a complete deal killer but a BIG plus
honestly they all seem to be 3-4gig of memory and the HDD isn't a big concern with a TB external.
something reliable... i've had my last laptop for at least 3 years and it's showing it's age... my desktop has been around for over 5 years now... I'd like something that can be around for a few years.
i've been filtering though tigerdirect and newegg, looking locally a bit... but wanted to come to you guys and get your input on a new toy :)
so for around $500... what would you get :)
for specs this is about the best i've found the 12 cell battery would be a nice upgrade over the 9cell but I question both HP's quality and refurbed laptops...
It depends, how much you selling me your old laptop for?
Gateway NV5378u

If it were me shopping I would look further into this one. Dual-core, 4gb RAM. Card reader built-in. $429.
I can also second an Acer. My personal favorite right now though is a Sony Vaio, but I don't think you'll find one under $600. I will say though that a HP is that last brand I would buy. Too many friends have had serious problems with them. Have you ever noticed that there is a lot of refurbished HP's for sale?
Go to and see what you can build to your specs.
I love my Acer. It was less than a comparable desktop. I have had mine for over two years and not one problem.
Go to Best deals for most everything.
I got the aspire 7740-5142. A bit more than what you wanted to spend but you won't be disappointed.
i3, 17 inch (16x9) HDMI, blu-ray DVD. I am loving this laptop. Never going back to a desktop.
6/23/10 9:17 p.m.
Find a Lenovo or a Toshiba. Had luck with both. I'd recommend the one I just bought, but it's nearly triple your budget.... and will outrun most desktops for the foreseeable future.
I have an HP G62, I got it the beginning on may, and so far it has been great. Its very similar to the one on tiger direct in your post, but the keyboard, screen, etc seem a bit better made, and it runs a lot cooler than the others i looked at (at least from just feeling the bottom of various display ones that have been on all day). Its about $100 more though, but its still in production so if you have to wait a bit to save the extra money you will still be able to find one.
I was able to find a 17.3" toshiba with most everything you list except for HDMI. I paid $499 back in January. I bought two - one for wifey and one for me.
HP has what you're looking for in that price range too.