For American comics:

No contest. Not the super early ones where he was an American mouthpiece. And not the ones where he was super edgy. But the modern ones, where he doesn't defend the American government, but the American way of life.
For Japanese:

Neon Genesis Evangelion was one of the first manga/animes I ever saw. And I really connected with Shinji. I figured if ever I got to save the world, I'd probably act more like he did than the valiant hero.
GearheadOtaku, I love Empowered! Although I got confused around the 3rd book, where her suit is always torn, but she still has powers. I dunno. Either way.
12/13/10 12:17 a.m.
I identified with this character as a kid, martial arts was the center of my life then.

Salanis wrote:
I was an X-Men reader as a kid. Gotta love "everyone's favorite furry blue mutant", The Beast:
He was never one of the big popular iconic characters (no Wolverine for me), but he was a great nerd in a brutish body who had the best wit of any of the characters in that series.
I concur. Brains and brawn in a furry package
Jensenman wrote:
Always liked anti-heroes.
I actually still have a copy of that issue, the first Ghost Rider series also have the first of the second series.
My favorite though would have to be Cap for the reasons mentioned above. He fights for the country and not the government. He really has become an icon for an America that honestly doesn't exist anymore. Guess he is also a symbol for hope and what we could be.
All the comics I've read were only in strips...
I was always a fan of batman cuz he was a regular dude who gave a crap, made a conscious decision to become a B.A.M.F. , and proceeded to kick your tail all over and then go have a martini.
But, I always liked wolverine the most for a similar reason: he is just tough. He had a passive ability (to heal at a fantastic rate). He didn’t blow stuff up or fly or move stuff with his mind, he can just heal. That is all. Combine that with being a tough guy, and you have BAMF status in my book.
Naussica of the Valley of the Wind. Miyazaki's masterpiece.

Little Lulu. She was very plucky and never lost her sense of humor.

Deadpool, because he shoryuken'ed Kitty Pride.
I've really become fond of Batman of late. The Year One/Long Halloween/Christian Bale version really appeals to me.
+1 to the Earth X Captain America. I always hated him before then, but I became a pretty big fan of the character at that point.
However, all pale in comparison to Dr. McNinja.
Dr. McNinja
Heckle and Jeckle (yeah, I know, that's 2). I've never seen them in comic books, but they must have started there, I remember them from saturday mornings.
If you've never heard of them, think Bugs Bunny at his MOST annoying.....then double it. Good/sarcastic patter, too.
12/13/10 4:53 p.m.
As a kid, I was into Spiderman. Normal guy trying to live a life that just happened to have special powers. It started annoying me that he kept fighting the same bad guys over and over. That's where the Punisher steps in. Judge, jury, and executioner. Step out of line and you're done. I have developed an appreciation for Batman as well, but he also has that problem with fighting the same idiots over and over.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Now we are talkin'! HellBoy is right up there in my short list of favorites. I can't believe it took this long for someone to post him.
Dark Horse comics had a real good run going... Sin City, Hell Boy, The Escapist and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
I've never been into American comic books, but I have gotten into Manga.
I enjoy Initial D. Why? Because it's about a boy and his AE86 Trueno.

Another of my favorites as a kid.

For me, it has always been and will always be Batman, though I like me some Green Lantern too. I've always liked the Batman on his own, no Robin or Batgirl or any malarkey such as that. Though, I am really enjoying the new Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne as Batman and Robin.
Who could forget Milk & Cheese?

Wasn't a huge comic fan growing up, but got into graphic novels around Junior High. JTHM was pretty phenomenal.
For straight-up comic heroes, Batman is hard to beat.
AngryCorvair wrote:
Mr. Natural, by R. Crumb
If you haven't seen it before, try to find the documentary movie about R. Crumb and his family. He's a great artist, but also a very unusual guy.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
I've never been into American comic books, but I have gotten into Manga.
I enjoy Initial D. Why? Because it's about a boy and his AE86 Trueno.
Initial D is really good, too. I like the Manga stuff because they do so much more character development and story to go with the action. American comics seemed to take years to really flesh out a character.
In reply to 4eyes:
I almost picked Iron Fist. Good call!
Initial D is good, although the plot armor gets old after awhile.
Nausica is awesome. I watched it as a kid, had fragmented memories of it until a friend helped me remember it. Great movie.
Man, this makes me want to run out to a comic book store and buy everything.
12/14/10 7:41 p.m.

Any character from Bloom County.