I was reading the new GRM and noticed that Stig was pers new child, I'm assuming it's a nick name (we all know what happens when you assume) anyhow I got to thinking and I'm sure my son hase the best name ever.... Judah Race P... who's got me beat!!!
11/25/08 8:44 p.m.
Stig is named after Stig Blomqvist.
I have two boys, a 3 year old and an 8 month old. The oldest boy's initials spell "BMW" and the 8 month old's middle name is "Cooper" after John Cooper.
Yes, I have a very cool wife! 
sweet im not the only one then our next boy is gonna be Ash
11/25/08 9:59 p.m.
If I have a son he will be Colin, as in Colin Chapman. If you've ever seen how skinny (not sickly!) my wife and I are you'd know we are already firm believers in adding lightness.
My daughter was going to be Colin...
Per's brother is called Thor. It's a tradition of very cool names in that family.
A friend of mine with the last name Martens was trying to find names for their baby. My suggestions of Aston and Doc were not accepted.
My dad wanted to name me Wolfgang, mom wouldn't go for it though...I'd kinda like it over the name I got stuck with. Always thought about changing it.
Daughters, Jaime and Shelby, my son is Brock Colin named after Peter Brock (the Aussie one) and Colin Chapman.
My initials are CAM, so I was destined to be a hotrodder.
I don't have kids, and in fact I went under the knife to make sure I don't have any, but if we had kids I'd want to name them
Forrel Aydee, Impala Essus, Ether Tee, and Barb Uretor
My wifee to be and I already agreed on our childrens names.
Girl- Michelle Adelaide Brownell
Boy- Stirling Phillip Brownell
(Michelle Mouton, Adelaide Australia (city that hosted F1 from 1985-1995), Sir Stirling Moss, and the late Phillip Hill)
yeah, she is awesome.
11/25/08 11:37 p.m.
I know someone who was almost given the middle name "Camina"...
...had something to do with where she was conceived. 
I got cut off at the knees. I wanted Kinring or Mordecai, but my wife wouldn't have anything to do with them.
She nibbled on the Cupric bait for a moment. But with the last name of Penney, once she caught on, that was knixed as well.
Wasn't it Donaldson that has a daughter named Camber Elise? That has a beautiful tonality and meter.
Amanda Ariel - First name after maternal grandmother middle name after Arie Luyendyk.
Tanner Elijah - First name was... well you say Tanner Brown and not get the joke. Elijah just fit.
Trevor Edward - Trev, rev... gettit? Edward was his great grandpas name.
Ok, my first son (rest in peace my boy) was named Cole Joseph P...... First two initials, CJ, as in Jeep CJ. Second Born is Jacob Cole, middle name for his brother, first name for the legendary Volvo madel that got the company started, Daughter is Morgan, need I say more, lastest addition is Lucas Cooper, and yes he loves to ride around in the old mini.
Yes, my wife is cool as well.
My daughter's name is Carly Michelle, Carly for my wife's Grampa Carl, Michelle as the Frenchified version of my first name. I couldn't sneak any car stuff in there. 
I don't have any kids, but my name is Ali Alattar.
wiki for first name:
And dammit, there used to be a wiki for my last name. Anyway, Alattar means herbalist, as in, herbal doctor.
So basically my name is prophetic almost.
I got a car seat made by recaro, does that count? the simpson one wasn't rated so hot.
11/26/08 7:28 a.m.
I thought about naming my 1st son "75 3.0L 911-RSR" when he was born but it didn't work out. I don't remember why now.
11/26/08 7:37 a.m.
My youngest girl's middle name is Elise.
I have a friend who wanted to name his kid Max Turbo. He was able to get Max passed his wife, but I don't think the kid even has a middle name.
That's funny, I just posted this in the topic above this one:
16vCorey wrote:
A guy I work with has two children(well, they're adults now) names Adelheide and Austin, and had a dog named Steven.
I guess it kinda works here too.
My first sons name is Lucas,but I am not a British car fan,rather a Star Wars fan.
Lucas wanted to name our second boy Race Car-Phillip-Michael when my wife was pregnant. We settled on Alexander Michael. I thought Race Car was an awesome name especially coming from a then 3 year old kid. We decided against such an odd name,but it was pretty funny when we called people telling them we had a new addition to the family,and they asked the name. We would tell them it was Race Car Phillip Michael,and there would be silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds. I guess we should have used that name after all.