3/14/12 1:55 p.m.
Now, I've never really been one to name my cars. I've had two that named themselves. I had a 93 Dodge diesel that I loved. It was big, red, ugly and rude. My wife hated it and I loved it (partially BECAUSE she hated it?). It became known as Big Red. Everybody called it that. My current DD just named itself.
My Mercedes has been giving me fits lately. Everything I do to that car results in my wanting to drink rat poison to end the pain. At every turn it defeats me and calls into question my manhood. The latest job is the cylinder head that just won't let me win. Good lord the stories I could tell. So, the car has named itself Adolf. It won't kill me, that's far too kind. It just keeps beating me to make me bend to it's will. If I do that, only then will it kill me to end it all.
I mean no offense to people that have a history with the Nazi's and the atrocities they committed to humanity. I have a personal connection to the holocaust, I figure that allows me to make a joke about it?
3/14/12 2:09 p.m.
my 92 sho is named Nessie.......because it looks like it was dragged out of the bottom of Loch Ness and it keeps coming around axin fo treefiddy.....
otherwise, I've never named a car.....that one just seemed fitting.
Never named one of my cars but a buddy had a white MR2 with 2 black stripes down the centre and we named it Pepe.
My E30 was "Sex Kitten"
My Mk1 Rabbit was "The Rusty Rabbit"
My Mk4 Jetta was "Dumb"
My XJ Jeep was "The Hooptie"
My recent Escort was "The Deathscort" or "Sexcort"
The wife named the Roadmaster "Ms. Piggy" the other day. Not sure that one will stick.
I've never been one to name cars, but my best friend dubbed my 86 MR2 "Latoya" and it stuck.
We tend to name the cars at Flyin' Miata because it's easier to say "Elvis" than "the 2002 V8", or "Igor" instead of "that pile of mismatched parts with a turbo on it".
At home, some of them develop names on their own. The MG is "Nigel Brimstone". The Land Rover is "Basil". The Grand Cherokee is "Princess", and I've been known to refer to the M5 as "Fritz" because of its electrical tenderness.
But others never develop names, even if they're full of personality. Odd.
My sister once had a Topaz (ex-rental, even better) that we called J.To.
A few of mine have had names, but most have not. Weirdly, some of those with the most personality did not have names.
I drive a Miata (hanging my head in manly shame). Guess I'd have to go with Tinkerbell.
3/14/12 2:31 p.m.
My truck is the "Mighty Dak", winter beater is "Little Red"... for some reason the MX3 is nameless.
Ian F
3/14/12 2:38 p.m.
Keith wrote:
We tend to name the cars at Flyin' Miata because it's easier to say "Elvis" than "the 2002 V8", or "Igor" instead of "that pile of mismatched parts with a turbo on it".
A guy in our Spitfire club does that. Mostly because he's had (and still has) so many cars, giving them names makes it easier. Likewise, the other half gave her Spitfire a name: Baldrick (from Black Adder). Naming a car seems more popular in LBC circles.
In the MINI club world, naming your car is pretty common and most people with MINI's have given them a name of some sort, but a few don't. The g/f's is named Nittany because she's a Penn State grad and the car is blue and white. Our '07 'vert is named Dougal after a Brit-com character. Other friends have more amusing names. One has a new and a classic, so they are Big MINI and Little Mini. Other friends with a classic call it B-POS. I've seen some people on forums who use their car's name as their screen name. I remember one girl with a yellow Cooper who called it "Short Bus."
Other names haven't stuck as well. Friends tried naming my truck Max (opposite of MINI), but I tend just call it "the truck" or "the POS." My TDi has never had a name. We've tried giving my GT6 a name, but nothing has really stuck, so it's just 'the Triumph' or 'the GT6.' The g/f's 1800ES is sometimes called "The Sexy Swede" but usually it's just "the Volvo". That may change now that she's bought a second Volvo.
My red Miata is also known as "Red Mist"
My teal green Civic is also known as "The Green Monster" because I bought it in Boston.
I also named my wife's appliance white Prius "Energy Star". Does anyone know where I can buy a sticker that logo on it? 
I find it easier to sell my cars if I don't name them.
That said, all but two of my cars have names. 
Beverly-Chevy C10; Rhonda-Honda CB360; Theresa-Triumph TR4; Nicky-Jeep CJ3; Gertrude-VW Beetle; Fiona-Fiat 850 Spider
My cars don't have names, but I have called them a name or two while working on them. 
3/14/12 2:52 p.m.
foxtrapper wrote:
A few of mine have had names, but most have not. Weirdly, some of those with the most personality did not have names.
I drive a Miata (hanging my head in manly shame). Guess I'd have to go with Tinkerbell.
Every SHO(out of the dozen now), hasn't had a name until I named the 92.....kinda funny, because every one of those cars has had a different personality and different opinion in what they liked in terms of gas, oil, plugs, etc.....
3/14/12 2:55 p.m.
My wife's VW Cabriolet is Zippy 2. The first one was obviously Zippy and that came from the plate. The last 3 letters were ZPP!
Funny though that plate now sits on her 2010 Golf Wagon.
I had an Intrepid that was named Christine, because the last three digits in the VIN number were 666.
I have a 78 Honda Civic named Bebe, because my wife said "Look at the bebe (baby) car" when I dragged it home. And Bebe just stuck.
My daughter named my Ford Explorer, Dora.
As in Dora the Explorer.
My Civic is named Fred because that is what the previous owner named it and I felt bad renaming it... Am I weird?
SWMBO named the Yugo, Hugo.

My cousin named my truck The Blue Crawler
My 1985 GTI earned the name Red Car of Fun
My Malibu is "Bu", pronounced: "This pile of E36 M3 is not fun to work on anymore"
The Rx7 is "Roxy"
Rob R.
Serenity, just like the ship. About as reliable as well.
My Jeep GC was "Mr-Blend-In."
The Celica is "Kabuto."
The MX6 is "MXFail."
The Escort is "The Deathscort," "The Deathscrotum," or "The E36 M3scort," depending on the day.
The XJ is "Churkey."
No name for the Miata.
New Reader
3/14/12 3:38 p.m.
My 1994 Explorer is the Paper Bag Princess. Works hard, has a good heart, but is far from pretty.
My 1991 Miata is Matta, which is the feminine form of "crazy" in Italian. My grandfather named it.
My wifes Focus doesn't have a name yet, but I suppose one day it will get one.