Now I know why I enjoy Nascar racing over F!.
The fast guys at the beginning are not always the fast guys at the end. Lots of passing through out the race. You never know until the checkered flag who will win.
F!, single file at 35 meters separation. Fast guys at the start are still the fast guys at the end.
You pretty much know who will win. Very little passing.
I haven't watched a NASCAR or F1 race all year. I guess I'm over all of it. Now WSBK, I like that.
Rather watch MotoGP. That's got passing, intense rivalries, and no roll cages.
you know why they don't have NASCAR in New Jersey? You have to make jughandles to turn left
Short track stock car racing is one of the coolest, most difficult , intense things you can do as a race car driver.
Both I think are similar to baseball: Very boring unless you have some information investment about what is going on.