Okay, so you know how on your furnace when the thermostat kicks the furnace on you hear it running for a minute or two, then the fans kick on and you feel the air blowing out of the vents? Well most of the times that is what happens with ours, but sometimes you hear it kick on, but it will take up to an hour before the fan kicks on and air comes out the vents. Whats up with that?
10/20/15 11:02 a.m.
It sounds like the thermocouple / temperature sensor in the heat exchanger is bad, or has a bad connection, so that it doesn't think the heat exchanger is coming up to temperature enough to start the fan.
10/20/15 11:13 a.m.
Go out there and watch it while someone else turns it on. Make sure you see flame where you should. I had a blocked passageway which acted all wonky because I was only getting two of the three flames or something like that once.