etifosi wrote:
Truly gobsmacked that there is even a single American citizen who willingly consumes Russian State-Supported media as a source of trusted information.
Does RT contain electrolytes?
At least their honest about being controlled by the state, and the inherent corruption involved, instead of pretending it doesn't exist. And rt does report on the problems, criticisms, and corruption of their homeland, unlike most American sources that ignore corruption in exchange for offensive words and thoughts years away from relevance.
Truthfully, I don't understand the current rash of McCarthyism aside from pulling attention away from important details here at home, but that's an entirely different discussion.
Throughout the election, RT was the only source I saw(in my admittedly "staying the berkeley away from this" stance on it) that even acknowledged there were more than two parties in this country, and their scatHing reports on American news outlets and politicians are backed up with supporting documents, video interviews with those involved, and actual experts in fields instead of selected interviewees that follow cue cards. Hell, they even had debates with 3rd party candidates, and followed along Johnson and Stein on the campaign trail like any journalist worthy of the title should have.
Mostly I like them because they ask questions I would ask given the chance. Questions that actually matter, to me anyway.
Al Jazeera used to be on my list, but around 2013 when the short lived al Jazeera America launched, they got a little to attached to the corporate teat and a little far away from the investigative journalism that proper al Jazeera was known for. Infowars was there as well. If you completely cut out and ignore Alex Jones, the actual news show was actually pretty informative as far as things going on under the radar of the big networks. Particularly in regards to laws being rushed through session and the pork barrel bullE36 M3 tacked onto them.
Realistically, there are absolutely no trustworthy news sources. Period.In this country or any other. Whether politically motivated, or corporate backed, information and "truth" went out the window years ago in exchange for ratings and revenue, or more bluntly propaganda . Actually sifting through the bullE36 M3 to find something that may resemble truth is possible, but it's still better to get outside views of situations, to gather more "facts" than what is handed over.