Starting two days ago I started getting very loud random pops through my speakers. The sound then may or may not go out for a while but usually comes back on it own, sometimes I have to reset it. Occasionally, I will get an extremely loud noise (almost deafening) that last for about a second it starts out a low ringing sound and ends in a high pitched squeal. It kind of sounds like someone banged a gong. It doesn't happen while watching TV, but when watching Netflix through my smart DVD/Blue ray player. It didn't happen while watching a DVD. I am going to try Pandora an see if it happens then.
I need to figure out what is the cause. Is it on Netflix's end? HDMI cable or plug? My A/V receiver? I have no idea, and I have no idea on how to trace it. The problem is it's random. It may happen twice in ten minutes or once every hour.
Any thoughts?