I apologize for not seeing this sooner, but I haven't been looking.
One of the other divisions where I work is looking for a Technician, unfortunately it closes today. Keep the site and check back once in a while, they come up.
This one is working with stereo lithography.
2/1/10 7:11 p.m.
Not that I need a job, but it came up in bold capital red letters "access forbidden"
I think he means this. His link is for someone logged in with an account doing a job search. This is it for job search.CLICK HERE Also USAJOBS is a place. To let you now these are Civilian jobs working for the military. That's where I got my job. Some of the jobs deploy to the areas commonly referred to in the news. Not for those allergic to lead. 
Nope not allergic to lead, just steak knives!
Then why stab yourself with one? 
Hence the allergy! Though the pain meds are nice, I have to admit.