I shuffled free from my mortal corporate coil back in August. I've branded myself as a content management consultant specializing in the automotive field. Currently I have one client and I'm trying to network to find more. I realized within the last few years I really do live for the fight and get bored when I'm put into maintenance mode. That's why being a consultant seemed like a good idea.
Right now I'm trying to figure out health insurance for my family (which is almost a part time job in itself). My self employed friends all told me to take whatever I earn and divide it into thirds. One third is for the IRS, one third is for your self-paid benefits, and the last third is what you can keep to pay bills.
Things seem to be going pretty well so far, but some things are starting to bug me. I got in my car the other day and there were cobwebs in it. I don't leave the house for days at a time. My wife LOVES me being home to help around the house, but sometimes I feel guilty trying to work in my office when I hear all hell break loose upstairs (I have two boys ages 2 and 5, use your imagination).
So how long does it take to deprogram the last 15 years I spent as an office drone? I don't quite miss doing my weekly status reports, but there was some solace in the routine. In some ways my work is much more efficient now, but in other ways I feel like I waste more time.