Alright, here's the jist. I am on my roommate's lap top trying to get some insight into why my PC is bugging out. Don't say "because it's not a Mac", because I'll e-slap you.
Anyway, it started with my iPhone. I tried to update the software on it a while back and it corrupted the phone. E36 M3. So, I reinstalled everything on it and all was well for a couple of months... until I installed iPhone OS 3.0.1. During that install, the phone corrupted again. I thought it was because of the constant connecting and disconnecting that the phone was doing arbitrarily, and I remembered that an update to the new iTunes software did the trick last time.
This is where it gets interesting...
iTunes 9.0 installed nicely and I tried to restart the computer. Upon startup, right as Windows XP was loading, I got a blue screen of death saying "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL..."
Soooo.... I couldn't get the thing to boot up anymore. I decided that now was as good a time as any to reformat my main drive since I had already backed up everything to the other hard drive. For some reason, and I have tried this twice now, Windows XP fails to install properly. I get like 10 messages saying that various .dll files cannot be copied to the disk. My CD is clean, and the drive works fine.
I click Enter to retry and it gives me the error again. Escape allows me to skip the installation of each file as they corrupt and continue with the installation.
Then, sometime during the Windows XP configuration / installation (the first time you see something other than blue background with white lettering), I get the blue screen again. This is where I am now (on the second go around). This morning, I was able to load Windows XP, but it was severly crippled and I could not get most features to work (themes, networking, some programs, etc.). That was when I decided to reformat it for the second time.
Help! I bricked my iPhone and my computer at the same time!