Good Day!
I bought an engine in Canada that currently resides in Regina Saskatchewan. I would like it to get down here to me near Charleston SC....
The person who currently has it is willing to drop it off at the shipping terminal. This would greatly reduce the costs. However, I don't know anything about the paperwork or how to get this started.
Any help on either guiding me through the process or helping me find a broker is VERY much appreciated!
Rob R.
1/10/20 4:55 p.m.
I've shipped about a dozen engines to the States, but they were all light enough that I was able to use UPS, and the paperwork was minimal, so basically the same as shipping any used parts.
Pay my gas and hotel bills, and I'll drive it down.
Can I stay until the -30 is gone?
Sadly, kidding because I can't get travel insurance for a while yet after my bypass.
Can't you just install the engine into a car up there, drive across the border, and then LS swap it when you get back to South Carolina?
Hmm. I checked u ship, but figured I would need the same paperwork.
Maybe i will check with ups.
If anybody has any experience with a broker, please post up.
Looks like Fastenal's 3rd Party Logistics might be able to ship from Canada to the States. It would be worth a phone call.
UPS does LTL truck freight, too. The paperwork shouldn't be too difficult. For any international truck freight, you'll need a Bill of Lading and have to pay duties on it coming into the states. The freight carrier you choose can help you with this. If you want to go with a broker, find one that has an office in your town. That should be no problem around Charleston.
You don’t need a broker. Just have the seller ship it and then self clear it. It’s easy.
Along those lines, I’d advise against UPS. I had some Porsche 906 pieces shipped to me from Canada and the seller used UPS. They billed me a brokerage fee without asking me if I wanted the OPTIONAL service then pretended that t wasn’t a scam. I went to the hub and collected my items and left them the empty crates and told them I’d pay the brokerage fee when they could produce documentation showing I asked for the service. Never heard from them again regarding the bill.
This link suggests they’re less surreptitious about it now, but they’re not exactly honest either: