9/25/15 12:20 p.m.
We are putting together a CCTV system for a salt mine in the Bahamas. Obviously this is about the worst environment in the world. A supplier has offered an excellent camera that he claims is appropriate for the application, but it has a coated aluminum case. Alternative is a stainless steel case for more money. Wife is saying NO NO NO!!. She thinks SS will rust faster than steel, and coated aluminum will fail quickly. As the factory rep knows the application and made the suggestion, I am curious what the Hive might be able to add to the discussion. Oh, these cameras are over 2000.00 each. Thanks guys.
Stainless will be far better than steel or aluminum.
316ss > anodized aluminum > plain steel
What grade stainless?
any way to disassemble and powder coat?
9/25/15 12:47 p.m.
The aluminum case is powder coated. No way am I going to disassemble these- voiding warranty on expensive stuff.
A plastic case would probably be better yet. I'd be more concerned about cable connections, but having said that salt mines are usually pretty dry, aren't they? If the moisture level is low, corrosion may not be as bad as feared.
(wandering away from the original question here, sorry)
On an island, surrounded by trillions of gallons of water, 3.5% of which is salt... digs hole to get salt. 
I am guessing there is not enough land / shore area there for salt drying ponds.
^Or maybe it's just easier to dig salt out of a convenient cave full of salt 
I would go with manufacturers recommendation, CYA. Seems like it should be an airtight unit for corrosion concerns on the internal electronics?
9/25/15 3:09 p.m.
It is a Morton Salt location, using natural evaporation of ponds from wind and sun. Location has been a commercial salt supplier since 1830's. Most of the product goes into water softener salt, as it is quite pure. Very interesting history / stuff. Hope to see it in a few weeks. All equipment will have waterproof entrances. Location is over 300,000 acres (!!!) I do appreciate the input.
Oh, so it's "Sea Salt" then, huh? I thought "Sea Salt" came from places like the Himalayas. You know, like the Himalaya Ocean.
Stainless is going to be way better than aluminum.
Any chance of putting them inside a plastic case?????
I design stuff like this for a living.
Unless it has to be armored, I'd make it out of a big block of UHMW, O-ringed and with the big through-bolts countersunk and potted in silicone. Glass lens cover, also O-ringed, and cables exiting through sealed bulkhead fittings.
Holler if you need something designed and fabricated. It's what I do.
(1) If this is a CCTV system to watch territory, I presume the cameras will be placed fairly high, which should limit the potential for salt damage. (2) If the supplier says it's the right camera/housing/whatever for the application, I would be inclined to trust him, because (a) he has probably installed more of his cameras than you have, & probably knows what he's talking about, and (b) it's his money if problems occur during the warranty period. (3) I would be VERY, VERY CLEAR with the customer that both of you are relying on the camera guy's expertise here, and that you want the customer's explicit understanding in writing that this is an "extreme conditions" installation and the performance/longevity of the equipment may be degraded as a result.
All of this advice is worth exactly what you are paying for it, of course.
9/25/15 4:38 p.m.
If this were my pet project, I'd be anal enough to build a water tight box to mount the camera in. A simple, fully welded box with 1 removable panel should be a good 1st line of defense to keep anything nasty off the camera itself. I'd also be more worried about the connections corroding more than the camera.
9/25/15 6:16 p.m.
All boxes are well sealed. There is also a large Wi-Fi transmitter and a 100 watt solar panel set at each location. It will be a real good reference job. EVERYTHING will be as good as I can make it. Just thankful I will not be installing it. I am also very thankful for our family here. Where else can you go to get good advice on everything from hanging a door to installation advice on a very sophisticated surveillance system?
So, it's a bit of an "above ground" mine then?
The idea of a subterranean salt mine on a island likely created by volcanic action or plate tectonics did seem pretty strange.
Curious: What do they need the cameras for? Is there an issue with people stealing salt or something? Salt gangs? 
(not trying to derail, just curious)
BTW - I would say I am a bit amazed that you got some comprehensive answers to this rather unique question, but based on history around here, I am not.
9/25/15 8:48 p.m.
Ask your supplier for the data he's basing his recommendation on.
They may have test data for salt spray or salt fog that shows the powdercoated AL is better than the SST for corrosion resistance.
If they don't have data or other evidence to support the recommendation, I would look for an alternate supplier that can provide data.
Lots of good recommendations come from this board, but in my opinion, data trumps any online recommendations. Especially when it comes to something that could have a major impact on your livelyhood.
There are a metric E36 M3 ton of different stainless steels. What is the type they are offering?
Some do not have very good corrosion resistance.
9/26/15 7:39 a.m.
Location has 16 fuel stations around the property. Theft of fuel is the main concern. Has been a very bad problem, or they would not be spending 75,000.00 to stop it. Also providing a biometric reader to turn the pumps on. Looks like we are going to get the job, so a trip to the Bahamas will be called for.