I am putting together a product showcase video for my first motorcycle accessory. We have been working on this product, and others, for a couple of years and it is time to get off our hands and see if anyone wants to buy this thing. Started pulling a video together but we need some background music. It is directed at the ADV riding crowd and will feature some fast night riding and such. We are looking for some faster rock music but I will consider other genres too. We are poor, we would love to pay you tons of money but can't. What we can do is give you credit in the video and send you some free product if you have a motorcycle. Anyone interested?
This is our headlight bracket mounted with some Hella LEDs and a ADV Monster LED Pencil light in the second picture:

and our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HammerDownMoto
Sorry oh great GRM leaders if I have crossed a line. Please tell me if so. I do not wish to anger thee.
I know of a band that might be interested, they're in the right genre (although they have made a few intentionally Nickelback-ish songs for reasons I'll never understand), just hope they haven't become too big to take on a small job like this yet 
This is my favorite song from them:
Thanks! I will bounce this off my partners. One is a metal head but we keep him check as best we can.
Well I got on a crazy kick to produce some stuff a few years ago, it's not really rock but feel free to use it if it strikes your fancy. If not, I may be able to put something together relatively quickly depending on the length/complexity/variety needed. Or I could just do a crazy bass-solo for however long you need.
Here's the older stuff though: https://soundcloud.com/robot-zombie-overlord/sets/rzo-drive
I can do background music and have the capability to put some tracks together pretty quickly. All I need to know is 'I want something in "..." style kinda like "..." song by "..." artist.'
Or for future reference a good online source for royalty free tracks is Audio Jungle That's what my pro youtube-video-maker buddy uses to find music for his videos.