Just lettering a new work truck. The last one was a bit wordy, so I am going to delete one version of the toll free number.
So if you looked at and took an interest in the advertising on a truck you were passing on the highway, would you be more likely to note, commit to memory or write down while driving dangerously...
A- the number in numeral form. (not at all catchy or memorable in this case)
B- the number in its word form, which in this case is somewhat catchy and easier to remember, but then you have to go through the trouble of converting the letters to numbers later when you inevitably call my awesome business. I personally hate that exercise.
Bearing in mind that the website is also prominently displayed and fairly memorable.
Thanks for the help!
Word with the numbers below it
Word. Heck, I can't even remember our own 800 number after working here for over 11 years. I but I know 1 800 FLY MX5s.
11/5/12 5:07 p.m.
The website or name so I could look up the number I couldn't remember
I would just do a google search for the company name if I was interested, I wouldn't pay attention to anything else.
I'll toss a vote for website name being most i\mportant. Unless you can come up with something like 652-2222, I won't remember it.
Yep, Google the company name or perhaps remember a URL. If I happened to take down a phone number, I'd be more likely to use it to improve my search than to call it without looking the company up first.
I don't like the phone much, and I hate having to call a business to ask basics about whether or not they provide the service I'm after.
Hmm. confirming my own suspicions. Maybe I'll make the website name even huger.
Use big black block letters on a white background. Most work trucks I see have busy logos or weird colors and tiny letters, so even in stop and go traffic I can't tell what they're saying, much less at 60mph.
I'll remember a number, but I'm the exception. While having learning disabilities with words, I'm extremely good with numbers. I'd suggest the letters.
I hate dialing them, but go with the wordy number. They're much easier to remember. And use a simple font.
but then you have to go through the trouble of converting the letters to numbers later when you inevitably call my awesome business. I personally hate that exercise.
If the number is in word form, I won't even bother to try, I hate it that much. Website is key these days.
Website is good for me but PLEASE, on your website... don't make me dig around for the damn number. If I am looking it up on my phone and I don't see it on the front page, in text I can click to call (not a goddamn image of a phone number!!!) - I'm out.
Also, don't expect me to read the whole van. Again, keep it simple.
Thanks for the input. I went with a really BIG website and the word number fairly big and just the last 7 digits that actually spell something very small below the corresponding letters.
Well I'm probably(?) a bit of a freak, but while I have difficult time remembering what I ate for lunch, how old I am, or even what year I was birn(sometimes), I can recite phone numbers I haven't used for 20 years.
hell, I can't remember my own phone number or SSN but I do know 18436572
vote catchy wordplay for me
B- word form.
Although a website is best of all IMO, if the URL is not too long. That way I can get all your contact details later.
Humans are ok with numbers, but even with it is- group of 3 and then 4 is tough enough. If the numbers were familiar, that would be one thing- but those are all taken up already.
Whereas that's basically 2 or 3 words- that's a lot easier.
website can be easy- drop the WWW, though. And make it googlefu easy to find.
that's my vote.
words first, then numbers. Words are easier to remember. Numbers are easier to dial.
Who you are, what you do, how to contact.
This is mine.


Keep it simple.
Oh, and please, for the love of God, put it on straight!!!