Session One of the new game starts Sunday. I'm in that state of agonizing over designing the best opening to launch the story. It's a bit tougher because I've got a web of antagonists rather than a single BBEG to build a storyline around.
One big thing that surprises me is that all the PC's have way more close, personal connections than normal. Two PC's are married, one is divorced but amicable with his ex-wife, and the fourth is a gay former-priest whose lover still lives back in Rome. So I anticipate this game being a lot more about personal conflicts.
Point remains - I want a good Inciting Incident to push the players into action. I want to threaten or take something away that causes a big problem.
In campaign creation, the players decided that an impending problem is a malicious presence that Lies Beyond. That seals holding it back have weakened and it's starting to seep in and infect people's minds. Their suggestion is that witch hunts by the Catholic Church have damaged traditional magical bastions holding the Forces of Darkness at bay.
I think I want to keep this idea as a sort of primal force, rather than embody it in a particular individual or group. Unless that changes.
I'm also thinking of stealing an idea from the game Stray Gods - and having deities like the Greco/Roman pantheon being real, and the Nazis and Fascists will seek to kidnap one of them to try to torture their secrets out of them.
Ideas for first Adventure:
I'm thinking of recycling an idea from a previous campaign. Having a major faction take over a site of significance to the PC's. That something is below/within it, and they are trying to gain control of it for their own devices. So... what building, which faction, what do they do to take it, and what's within it?
I'm leaning towards the Opera House (but possibly an old church) and most likely the Fascists coming in to take control. But it could easily be the Catholic Church. What's inside... can be something dark and sinister, or just powerful.
To open the adventure - I'm planning to have an NPC they defined - the lead Soprano for the opera - fleeing from an enraged suitor. Most likely a fascist officer - Lietenant of Captain - who she has smashed a bottle of perfume across his face because he got overzealous. The perfume was a gift from another suitor - a mafioso - and it was actually a potion designed to make her desire him. This will result in a powerful spell of passion, desire, obsession, and vigor over the officer who will persue her mercillesly.
I figure spin this into a pursuit and fights. It has the potential to spiral into an entire adventure, but I think is more likely to prelude to bigger things.
Probably drive them to be holed up somewhere, and while doing that, they launch an assault on the building our heroes are in to distract everyone while they move in and secure the opera house for their nefarious purposes with little to no resistance.