Here is the BBS page BBS.
This is what the web registration has about these guys -
Registrant Name: Jake Owens
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: 5159 Brooks St
Registrant Street: Suite G
Registrant City: Montclair
Registrant State/Province: California
Registrant Postal Code: 91763
Registrant Country: US
May be the owner or not
ebelements, I recognize your name. Did you have the copper/patina e30 that was looking sweet on R3V back about 10 or 15 years ago?

In reply to Lof8 :
Guilty as charged! I still find it hilarious that of all the nonsense I've put together over the years that the copper car(Patina Turner!) got a full feature in Performance BMW. Especially despite there being very little performance in said BMW.
edit: Don't any of you animals DARE judge my painting ability based on the monstrosity above
In reply to ebelements :
Looks better than anything I've ever slapped paint on.
In reply to CJ :
Looks like he is the owner. Going to give them a call Monday, think I'll have a better chance at reaching someone AFTER the holiday/weekend. I'll let everyone know how it goes.
Based on this interview he seems to care about the business, but who knows.
In reply to ebelements :
It was an eta if I remember correctly. Ya, pretty low “performance”. Ha
Keith Tanner said:
poopshovel again said:
Keith Tanner said:
I hate to tell you this, but by opening a dispute with the credit card company you have already poured a bunch of vinegar into the honey. That's an incredibly aggressive move from the vendor's standpoint, and you'll be well known by name at that company by now and not in a good way. I totally get why you're upset but the dispute is the final, nuclear option.
3 sides to every story, but it sounds like the OP gave them an opportunity to make it right. “Discount on future crappy service” is not “making it right.” The response should’ve been “send them back, we’ll pay for shipping, and have our best guy/gal fix our berkeley up.”
...At least that’s how I’d handle it at my shop. YMMV. Sometimes you have to eat E36 M3. Cost of doing business.
THAT SAID: Just because you’re not satisfied doesn’t mean you should get a 100% discount on the service they provided. Seems like there should be some middle ground where they’re not losing money, and if you’re “happy enough” with X% off, everybody is “whole” and parts ways with no hard feelings.
Agreed, he waited to enter the dispute until after they'd dropped the ball. The story sounds like everything was done right from his end, and I agree that the company should have offered to redo it on their dime. But they didn't, which sets the stage somewhat as to how they prioritize customer service.
The purpose of my statement was not that it was wrong, or that the shop was justified, or any of that. It was to point out what a cc dispute looks like from the other side. I know a lot of people who think it's not a big deal, and they'll file a dispute before they'll ask for an RMA if they don't like the color of something they bought. It's a very aggressive move, and folks should realize that. Going back for another try after that is likely to be a low percentage move. But what the heck, it's worth a phone call or two.
I completely understand your point. But I also know, I've done business with you and E because this type of stuff doesn't happen.
The fact that wheels were even sent out to begin with is unacceptable. I suspect as always maybe some responses are being exaggerated in a negative way. Just goes to show why I deal with local people, or national vendors with nearly impeccable reputations.
ebelements said:
I get different "case agents" every time and have to explain in layman terms exactly what's going on... if you have ever tried talking serious car talk to non-car people, it's exhausting.
Wait a minute isn't Discover the company with the Doppelganger ads? Just checked. It is.
You must have got this guy.
Small claims court as an individual? 
z31maniac said:
I completely understand your point. But I also know, I've done business with you and E because this type of stuff doesn't happen.
The fact that wheels were even sent out to begin with is unacceptable. I suspect as always maybe some responses are being exaggerated in a negative way. Just goes to show why I deal with local people, or national vendors with nearly impeccable reputations.
Everybody screws up at some point. It's what happens next that matters.
Keith Tanner said:
z31maniac said:
I completely understand your point. But I also know, I've done business with you and E because this type of stuff doesn't happen.
The fact that wheels were even sent out to begin with is unacceptable. I suspect as always maybe some responses are being exaggerated in a negative way. Just goes to show why I deal with local people, or national vendors with nearly impeccable reputations.
Everybody screws up at some point. It's what happens next that matters.
AMEN! In 16 years of business, I’ve had to eat E36 M3 a few times. Sometimes because we genuinely screwed up. Sometimes because the customer just could not be pleased, or was angling for something for nothing from the get-go. The latter’s account gets flagged.
Fortunately I’ve only dealt with ONE disputed charge. The customer dropped off and put half down. Husband picked up and paid the other half. Looking at his statement he ASSumed he’d been double-charged.
In reply to Lof8 :
My gosh I remember that car. I remember seeing pictures online (maybe even on dial up) and thinking it was amazing.
Are all the damaged points under other things? From your pics the flange would be between the lips or even behind them both and the center medallion would cover the center, no? I’ve never been 100% happy when someone else refinish my wheels so I understand that for dang sure.
also, the Kreis is a sweet wheel, I have some OZ MAE waiting for a car to be installed on.
I powdercoat in my garage, as umprofessional as you can get and I've never had results like that. I would also NEVER give those back to someone looking like that. Looks like poor prep work to me. I bet they didn't pre-bake the parts well enough/at all.
DrBoost said:
I powdercoat in my garage, as umprofessional as you can get and I've never had results like that.
offtopic, but DrBoost do you powdercoat wheels? ...or just smaller parts? Have a set of 19's I'd like to powder coat for a daily driver that doesn't need to be show car results.
xflowgolf said:
DrBoost said:
I powdercoat in my garage, as umprofessional as you can get and I've never had results like that.
offtopic, but DrBoost do you powdercoat wheels? ...or just smaller parts? Have a set of 19's I'd like to powder coat for a daily driver that doesn't need to be show car results.
I can't get anything bigger than 16s in my oven. To get above that, it's either a DIY oven, or a commercial oven ($$$$$). I might build an oven next year. Maybe.