In reply to PHeller:
Resurrection is set 200 years after the events of Alien 3, if Hicks is back in the new movie, they'll have to explain that, he and Newt were both dead at the beginning of 3. They somehow cloned Ripley from what was left of her, after diving into molten metal, so I guess there was more than enough of Hicks left to do the same.
Really showing my nerdiness in this thread. 
The Alien 3 Xenomorph was my favorite, and in the theatrical release it was the "dog burster," but in the directors cut it was an Ox/Cow/Some kind of Bovine burster, yet looked the same as the theatrical release.
Regardless, somewhere in a box in the attic I have a model of the dog burster, I put together sometime around Jr. High age. 1:9 scale, dust collector, of terrifying awesomeness!

Kenner, really embraced the whole, Xenomorph developing attributes of it's host, concept with all of their action figures, and related comic series. Yes, I had just about every one of them too. The picture of Ripley from the concept art in the first post, is similar to Kenner's Atax character, who wore a large Xenomorph-esque power suit, that allowed him to infiltrate the hives.
Dark Horse took a similar spin in the Stronghold series mentioned earlier, they discussed developing synthetic Xenomorph pheromones to disguise Norbert the Xenomorph android (think Bishop from Aliens, but looks like an Alien not a person) so Norbert could infiltrate hives and infect the colony with a pathogen that was developed to kill Xenomorphs.
In reply to ncjay:
Dark Horse teamed up with DC and really milked the series for all it had didn't they?
There were Aliens Vs. Superman, Batman, and Green Lantern. I don't think DC was the publisher, but even Judge Dredd got to fight Xenomorphs.