I'm just about completely disgusted with Wells Fargo. I was with Wachovia until WF bought them out, Wachovia wasn't the greatest but at least didn't do anything overtly stupid. OTOH, Wells Fargo is ALL screwed up. We won't go into the ways I discovered how FUBARed they are, but believe me they are.
The final straw was: I have had a small $500 PLOC (Personal Line Of Credit), which is an overdraft protection for my checking account, for lo these many years like 20. So the other day I get a letter from WF telling me that based on an Experian credit report they are cutting off the PLOC. So now I go jump through a dozen hoops to get my credit report, there are closed accounts etc (some closed for like 6-7 years) and the three accounts I have now. There are also some accounts that are not mine but I am associated with as a result of clearing up my dad's estate, the report verifies this.
According to WF, the total number of accounts represent too large of a debt/income ratio. WTF? The damn things are CLOSED or NOT MINE. They won't reinstate the PLOC until I clear this up, but it doesn't NEED clearing up. 'Sorry Mr Curmudgeon, it's the computer'. Here's a NEWS FLASH, dumbass: those computers are programmed by PEOPLE WHO WORK FOR WELLS FARGO.
To add insult to injury, every time I log on to my accounts page they have a 'click here for an instant overdraft protection account approval' box pop up.
It's not the dollar amount of the damn thing, it's the just plain idiocy. Anybody have recommendations for a bank that's not the devil?
In reply to Curmudgeon:
Go find a local credit union. Most of them offer shared branching now days so no matter where in the country you are you can still access your money. Heck I even have an app on my phone to find the nearest shared branching CU. Just make sure to ask if they do it or look for the swirl on the door. Or just check here.
The one I'm using currently had a very clearly laid out pamphlet of terms and conditions for my checking and savings (direct deposit eliminated all of them). WF had several dozen terms for each of my accounts when I was with them and I always felt like I was getting nickled and dimed to death. I've never regretted dumping WF.
I think both AllSouth and SC State Credit Union are open to all residents of Richland & Lexington Counties now.
9/15/13 11:27 a.m.
State Farm Bank. All banking is done online, on the phone, or at an ATM (no ATM fees anywhere.) for stuff like a mortgage or car loan go to your agent.
Otherwise a cu.
WF is EVIL compared to Wachovia. I need to keep that account since I had it for 20+ years. I hear that closing a bank account can affect your credit score so keep that in mind as well. I use a CU and Paypal for all my banking needs. I only use WF as a fall back for emergencies. Recently I asked WF for a bank check to buy a car. They wanted $10!!!! Screw that, walked across the street to the CU and it was free. So YMMV.
I said FU to banks about 10 years ago. The credit union is great. Banks suck. If you need to use a bank, use the smallest one you can find.
Smaller banks, local banks, CU or something - ANYTHING other than Wells or BofA. You'll appreciate life much more.
Secretariata wrote:
I think both AllSouth and SC State Credit Union are open to all residents of Richland & Lexington Counties now.
Interesting. I'm going to check this out.
As far as WF, I will probably leave some money in my savings account for a couple of years because I've heard the same negative credit report thing myself.
Which reminds me: Experian still has not responded to my request to remove the accounts that are not mine. FWIW they are a gaggle of idiots too, they have me down as an 'authorized user' of an American Express card for someone in Florida. Interesting, since I have not had an AMEX card in ten years, the ex and I closed our joint AMEX back then. This account is still active.
Even my CU charges for a certified check these days, but it's only $1. Still, it's cheaper than going to the USPS for a money order.
I use two credit unions, and am happy with both.
Every bank I've dealt with has managed to cause me more grief in my simple financial life than the CUs.
Curmudgeon wrote:
Secretariata wrote:
I think both AllSouth and SC State Credit Union are open to all residents of Richland & Lexington Counties now.
Interesting. I'm going to check this out.
As far as WF, I will probably leave some money in my savings account for a couple of years because I've heard the same negative credit report thing myself.
Which reminds me: Experian still has not responded to my request to remove the accounts that are not mine. FWIW they are a gaggle of idiots too, they have me down as an 'authorized user' of an American Express card for someone in Florida. Interesting, since I have not had an AMEX card in ten years, the ex and I closed our joint AMEX back then. This account is still active.
When it comes to credit, if it's currently still being reported, then you have to go to "the horses mouth" to get anything changed. Which means you'll have to go to AMEX. Good luck getting them to talk to you when it's not your account without going up the ladder about 3 times.
The only time you can go to the credit bureau is when the credit is no longer actively recording it.