Looks like eBay is cutting PayPal out of the looping working as their own clearing house for sales moving money directly to your bank account. What I noticed is the 12.75% fee on sales, that's up considerably from previous fee schedules, maybe trying to capture their cut AND PayPal's cut.
I think I'm done.
I hadn't seen this. Unfortunately I feel like a lot of stuff will only sell on ebay, meaning it's a lot harder to reach the right buyers without ebay. And I absolutely get more than 13% more for the stuff I sell on ebay vs the stuff I sell on forums or locally. Maybe I'm doing something wrong in my other avenues...
Really I just need to get better about not buying stuff I'm not going to use immediately and therefore would have to turn around and sell later.
So, wait.
Ebay always took, what 10%? Including shipping. Then Paypal stepped on it for another like 5%?
So now it's 12.75% for ebay?
I guess I'll have to do some reading...
Competition can always step in and lower the percentage.
Facebook and Twitter are getting competition from MeWe and Parler because some of their policies are not popular with some people.
Here's another way to look at it. (in terms of 'old school' business supply chain logic). The rule of thumb for a physical retailer is the markup is 100%, meaning JC penny buys the mattress for $100 and sells it for $200. (the retailer is taking a 50% cut of the retail price)
Online retailers are able to trim that margin since they dont need to have physical space costs, but I dont know by how much. I'd guess they can trim 50% down to 25% or so.
So ebay, is still half again as much as that.
The ability to find a customer is valuable, and that's what ebay is charging for.
Robbie (Forum Supporter) said:
The ability to find a customer is valuable, and that's what ebay is charging for.
Yup. They're the largest market available for low volume sellers. There may be a few niche sites that are better, but they're few and far between - something like Reverb for guitars, but even with that I've had better luck with eBay. I can sell whatever it is locally, and often for the same net as what I get from eBay... But it will take a LOT longer on average, unless it is something super common.
Javelin (Forum Supporter) said:
The other side of this is that I used PayPal as an online checking account; basically whatever I sold through PayPal went to car parts and hot wheels whereas the eBay account is linked to my bank account so it'll be an extra pain to track.
Whatever, the stuff i sell on there usually goes for 50% more than i would ask locally and I don't have to see people. No way i would have got $900 for my 6 cylinder and powerglide from the 57 and the local scrap converter guy offered me $85 for the dpf stuff from my truck and ebay got me $400
Not sure if it's a saving grace but I just read something that apparently eBay isnt filling dumping PayPal fully until sometime in 2023.
11/13/20 7:23 p.m.
This is all I have seen.
Looks to me like less of a cut of sales to me...

if you are buying can you still use Paypal ? or do they now make it a hassle ?
In reply to californiamilleghia :
You can still use PayPal
In reply to californiamilleghia :
If the seller accepts it.