I said "looking into" not "gonna clip them". With 2 acres of my own, an abandoned house next door, and 15 acres of woods behind the house that aren't technically mine, I have a massive predator problem, and they're gonna need all the help they can get staying alive. I'm basically gonna have to lose some birds to flight before I clip them, hoping food training or I like that cow bell idea too.
Since the chickens are turning into their own thread, I'm going to copy some stuff over here because I don't know how to link to specific posts in other threads here.

Here's a tinkercad of the coop. 4 foot by 6 foot, sloping roof, 7 square feet of ventilation around the top. I'm going to use the front of the coop as an end of the run, so I can open the door directly into it. I'm going to use construction sand as bedding in the coup. It's supposed to help in humid and wet climates. It also dries out the poop enough that you can use a cat litter scoop once a week or so, and then drop it in the compost pile where the chickens can then work it into everything

I had originally wanted a sloped roof run like this, but for ease of construstion, I'm going to build essentially a hoophouse style green house.
SImilar to this. Because of my absolute and undying hatred for snakes, I'm lining the entire bottom of the run, as well as the bottom 4 feet of the sides with 1/4" hardware cloth, then the top in 1/2". I'm only going to wrap part of the top in plastic until I find cheap corrugated roofing panels somewhere. Then wood chips. 6 to 8 inches of wood chips across the entire run. Luckily I'm having a chainsaw party soon, so I'll pull out the tree eater and make my own chips.
I'm also going to mount a game cam and a motion activated light somewhere.
I stayed up all night with the birds, in part to see what they were up too and make sure the dog didn't get any dumb ideas, but also because I don't trust the clamp light fixture with a 150 watt bulb in it to not catch my house on fire unattended. Most of them would go to sleep around the light, but one little Barred Rock would see this and not stand for it and wake everyone up, just so it could sleep alone.
Already through our first quart mason jar of food too.