We went last night just to start looking and get some more information (see http://grassrootsmotorsports.com/forum/off-topic-discussion/dogs-invisible-fencing/5611/page1/ ) and came home with this wonderful girl.

We actually picked her up this morning as she was already scheduled to get fixed last night. She is very laid back right now - probably a combination of just being dropped off to the shelter 3 days ago and that related stress plus the surgery last night plus just our new surroundings.
She was picked up as a stray and kept for 3 weeks until the shelter had an opening and then we happened to come in 2 days later and knew right away she was the one for us. She was also in heat and probably wouldn't have lasted a week at the pound or would be preggers again if she was still on the street.
EDIT - Oh yeah, we decided on Ginger since she didn't have a name due to her history. And while a bit worn, that green chair is one of the most comfortable around - my wife wants to replace it but I don't have room in the garage for it so it stays inside! 
12/13/08 6:55 a.m.
Gorgeous dog! Yes, it will take a few days for her to 'settle' in. Be sure to be the leader at this stage in everything you do. Nothing like a good mix-breed to fill a house with happiness. 
Yeah, we went to 'look' the first time too. That usually is a recipe for failure, lol.
She definitely has some hound in her, she has been whining at the doors and windows all morning, after doing her initial business, and when I last took her out she had her nose in the grass and wanted to take off bad after something!
Oh and she finally decided to wake up and perk up last night around 11-11:30, just when we were trying to get her in her crate for the night of course.
wow, she's a beauty! i thought there might be a miata in the first post, but this is just as good.
Cool pup! Mutts are the best, both dogs and autos 
A friend of mine has a Hound/boxer cross, and he is one of the coolest, most personality filled dogs I've ever met.
Looks like she's wasted no time in staking a claim on the couch. Congratulations.
12/14/08 6:07 p.m.
Perfect name for her, what a cutie