The van died on the way home from MS yesterday about 2.5 hours from home. The gas gauge is erratic...mostly non-functional, honestly. So I suspected it was gas. The driver towed us into the nearest town, gassed it up & after a few primes/cranks it fired up fine. I let it idle for about 15-minutes and all seemed well, so we hopped back on the interstate...and made it 54-miles before it died again.
At that point I figured it's probably the fuel pump, so I called another wrecker and had us towed home. We dropped the van at the local shop, so I'll call them at 8am and give them the details.
At least we were relatively close to home & everything else went well.
The 15 year old in me figured this personal record would be how many times you "shook hands with the governor" in one day.
The 23 year old in me figured this personal record would be how many different conquests you had in one day.
The 48 year old in me realizes this personal record is how many times you had to tow your car in one day.
That stinks.
Just got my LeSabre out of the shop Friday. Would not start 'sometimes' when hot. Bad EGR. Pulled into parking lot at work this morning and car stalled.
Oh happy day!
7/27/15 8:03 a.m.
I've got this one beat, but only tied if counting one day occurances with a single vehicle. LoL
I was hoping this was where you ate 3 tubs of butter.
You going to have the gauge fixed too?