Lately while perusing craigslist i have noticed a new trend it goes like this
Step 1 fix car
Step 2 take worn out parts which were replaced and sell them under the premise of "nothing wrong with said item"
Step 3 profit???
I mean seriously who the berk does that. If i do maintenance on my vehicles i throw old parts away, not try to sell at 3/4 price of new
Take these 2 examples
Okay rant over
I'd sell used parts that were replaced with upgraded ones if they were actually in decent shape...but cheap, not like this.
About the last thing you want to buy used is a timing belt.
What can I say, Toyota and Honda owners. Dumb ass and his money are soon to part.
(Normal from what I can see)
6/12/13 11:38 p.m.
In reply to Donebrokeit:
Its not like they can steal integras for parts anymore......
I don't think just the idea of selling that stuff is so bad, but any more than $15 for the first one and $50 for the second one is way too much.
Actually, I kinda understand that. Those Toyota oem parts are superbly made. Far better most times than the aftermarket replacement pieces.
I just pulled the water pump off my Toyota T100. About 260k miles on it. That pump is tighter and in better shape than the replacement Gates pump that is brand new.
Even if I do install the Gates pump, I'll keep the oem.
I could see buying the rack since technically they can be rebuilt, but the first ad to me are disposable parts. And anyone that puts a used timing belt on their car needs to have said car taken away. Timing belts are CHEAP, the expense and or time to put them in is not.
To pay 80% of new for a part that's replaced as part of preventive maintenance is lunacy.
If people will buy it, what can you do? I disapprove! But I do that a lot, and nobody really cares (as if they should).
Even if it was much better made than some of the replacements, it's got a finite life, and it was close enough to be swapped out. For 10% of new cost, sure, depending on how ugly the job is and how broke you are. A $120 gamble vs a $150 new OEM part seems hard to justify.
Used timing belt? You'd be better off buying used gas; at least that wouldn't take anything else with it.
racerdave600 wrote:
I could see buying the rack since technically they can be rebuilt, but the first ad to me are disposable parts. And anyone that puts a used timing belt on their car needs to have said car taken away. Timing belts are CHEAP, the expense and or time to put them in is not.
This. It depends on the part as to whether or not buying a used part is a good idea or not. I mean if it is rebuild or something like a seat or body panel then why not? But used a timing belt or water pump to me is insane.
I see people take waterpumps off of cars in the Junkyard all the time. Must be something to it. Big difference between $30 and $120 though
I agree that buying water pumps or timing belts that were removed because they hit their expected service lifetime is pretty marginal. Maybe it makes sense if they're A) really cheap, B) the person buying it has a lot more time than money, and C) non-interference engine,.
The ad for the steering rack doesn't say why he took it off, though. A rack isn't exactly a scheduled replacement item, so I'd guess he's either lying about it working fine, or he's parting out a vehicle. Nothing wrong with buying those kinds used of parts, so long as the price is right.
As for the seller -- seems like a waste of time to me, but craigslist ads are free.
The S4 RX-7 water pump housings had a metal neck instead of a plastic one.
If you see one of those in a junkyard, pull it and stick it on Ebay, even if the actual water pump is trashed.
Brett_Murphy wrote:
The S4 RX-7 water pump housings had a metal neck instead of a plastic one.
If you see one of those in a junkyard, pull it and stick it on Ebay, even if the actual water pump is trashed.
Yup, this makes sense. But a used water pump? Unless it's some real weird unobtainum I need for a rebuildable core, nu uh.
I buy used oil filters all the time from the local Quick Lube for 10 cents each. I spray them out with some brake clean and they are good for another 5k.