So my wife's uncle calls me up one day and says he's got a bunch of stuff he has no use for anymore and if I want it, come and get it.
So I ended up with a Toro 521 Snow Blower (needs a magneto), a table saw, a circular saw, a power mitar saw, 2 tents, electric weed eater, electric hedge trimmer, electric leaf blower, a smelting kit, and a water fire extinguisher.

Not full, bet definitely getting there. Time for a shed. 
Smelting: fuse or melt (ore)in order to separate the metal contained
Smelt: small silvery fish.
I smelt something once that was so nasty I never wanted to smelt it again. I'm much more careful about my smelting now. 
Nice haul. You are ready for a house fire, during a snowstorm. After you put it out with the fire extinguisher you can use the snowblower to give you a flat spot for the tent. Then you can use the saws to repair the damage. 

In reply to Toyman01:
Yeah, I've smelt what you dealt.
And vice versa.