alex wrote:
The lesson Brian's getting from his family is appalling.
I never had much trouble with bullying. I was a dork but I was big, so I generally got left alone. My sister dealt with some male bullying in grade school - fairly innocuous stuff, probably because the male bully liked her but was too young/dumb to know how to express it. After about a full school year of this, she got fed up one day and socked him in the nose, drew blood and everything, in the middle of the playground. Bully was mortified, she was shaken up, and the teacher called home to say, 'Katie stood up for herself today, and we're glad she did.' And she never had a problem with bullying after that.
My wife did a similar thing, except that she used a baseball bat on the bully who kept on pushing her into the irrigation ditch on the way to school. Broke his collarbone. Problem solved.
Brian stole a container of unknown liquid from another kid and drank it. He's a moron. Todd is brilliant, although both of them are learning the wrong lesson from lawyers right now.
this is almost as silly as the daughter of one of my mom's coworkers getting suspended for 10 days on the grounds of sexual harassment, for placing fake love notes in another girl's locker, written to sound like the boy the prank-ee likes. it's amazing how much things have changed from a while ago, people would just be laughing at these two kids and applauding the one who took a leak in the bottle
11/18/10 3:47 p.m.
If the kid ever ends up actually needing to lawyer up over this wreck and the judge doesn't laugh Brians' family out of court, put me down for donating to pay for the lawyer to counter-sue Brians family AND the school for being idiots.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
I would fall back to the story that I brought some piss to school to drink for my own gratification that son of a bitch pushed me down and drank it.
Kudos to the kid. As for a response, he should mutter something about helping Brian to train for his future career in fetish porn....
Do Todd a favor and make him listen to this. It got me out of a lot of E36 M3 in high this very day. We could learn a lot from Keith Morris:
The bully got what he deserved and if I was his dad and found out he had been stealing on a regular basis I would have whooped his butt as well and make him pay the other kid back. This is just another example of how screwed up people are getting.
I had a couple run ins with bullys as a kid. Once in high school I moved to a new town (small town) as a freshman and being the new guy in town and a freshman I became the target for the bully. He came up to me said he was going to kick my ass just for the hell of it. I stepped up to him told him I would give him three free hits then I was going to break his arms and legs. He believed me and left me alone, that little ploy came from my dad though I could have backed it up if push came to shove.
The second time another bully thought I was messing around with his girl friend (I wasn't we were just friends) so he tried to take it out on me on the football field. He dislocated my shoulder and hurt my back, awhile later after I healed I broke his ribs.
I was fairly big but a loner so that is mostly what got me picked on. I wasn't in any of the "groups" that form in schools so I was always the odd man out. Funny thing is though the rumors that went around the school after I left my junior year, my girl friend was still there so she told them to me. Apparently I was everything from a drug dealer (never touched the stuff once in my life), a contract killer (no freakin clue where that one came from), a hacker (true but I never hacked the school computers, after all I set them up) and that I went in the military after faking my age.
I remember reading a story in my elementary school reading textbook about a bully who was stealing a kids lunch on a daily basis. The victim countered by making a sandwich and filling it with soap flakes. Bully learned his lesson.
I'm fairly certain that they can no longer use that particular textbook.
They can still use the textbook, they just have to add the next chapter where the ambulance chasers come swooping down and sue the victim.
Big ego
11/18/10 6:13 p.m.
it'll all boil down to malicious intent.
If the kid had malicious intent to harm the bully then the answer will be one thing..
if the kid was just carrying around a bottle of pee because he wanted to and the bully stole it...
that's the point....he didn't harm the bully. he didn't intend to harm the bully. he did teach him a lesson, though.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
I would fall back to the story that I brought some piss to school to drink for my own gratification that son of a bitch pushed me down and drank it. Piss or Dew... still stealing.
For real. Todd's family needs to rush to the local PD IMMEDIATELY and file a police report for their son's stolen bottle of piss.
I hope this one gets thrown out quickly. Since when are we responsible for the safe use of things stolen from us? What is next, some one steals my car while I am changing brake lines and I am sued by all involved in the outcome?
This story has been making the rounds of the message boards today, but someone pointed out there's no link to an actual news report...I did a little looking myself and can't find it either, I wonder if it actually happened or if someone just decided to start a story.
The issue with Bullies is that usually the parents are not only not upset, they're supportive of the bully's activities. They tend to try to bully the other parent
A co worker had a problem with someone drinking out of his Gatorade kept in the company refrigerator. At a shop meeting one night, he announced that he had peed in the bottle that morning. Another co worker clamped a hand over his mouth and ran for the door.
The prosecution rests.
I say good on the kid who doctored the bully's stolen drink. I would like to think it was intentional, that means he was showing backbone. But of course there's some jackoff lawyer looking to make a buck off of this; in short condoning theft while saying (basically) you cannot defend yourself in a non violent manner. Good luck, Esq.: you gonna need it.
Trivia: a long time back urine was used to help whiten teeth (it contains ammonia).
Todd is my hero, too. Even if his name is Todd.
As a kid who was, on occasion, bullied, I say give "Todd" a berkeleying medal and tell "Brian" to get used to reaping what he sows.
New Moutain Dew flavor= Wang.
porksboy wrote:
New Moutain Dew flavor= Wang.
Don't tell pepsi about this! they'll add "Urine Dew" to their expanding line of multi colored, highly caffinated antifreeze.
Rufledt wrote:
porksboy wrote:
New Moutain Dew flavor= Wang.
Don't tell pepsi about this! they'll add "Urine Dew" to their expanding line of multi colored, highly caffinated antifreeze.
FWIW, we always called the original Mt. Dew "weasel pee"
Hillbilly piss. Always was. Always will be.
Jay wrote:
The "health risks" involved in drinking piss are pretty much zero. Urine is about as sterile as a body fluid can get. Actually it's probably better for you than drinking Mountain Dew.
Ain't that a kick in the head! But it's probably true.