I was cleaning out my parent's basement and came across my old Nikon FG 35mm SLR. It has a 50mm lens, a 70-300mm lens, a Vivitar adjustable flash and a basic camera bag. It also has some filters and all of the manuals.
I'm 43 and I bought it back in high school. It's well used and I'm not making any promises but I'm also offering it to a GRM reader for the cost of shipping.
I want it to go to someone who is really going to use it. I've had some pretty good fortune in life so let's call it a Karma/pay it forward sort of deal.
10/1/10 7:01 p.m.
very cool.
I would like to suggest that if anyone here wants to get into photography... snag this and take a b&w darkroom photography class. I learned a lot taking such a class, and darkroom work is like the best meditation evar. 
10/1/10 7:56 p.m.
If I didn't already have a similar vintage setup centered around my old Canon AE1-P, I'd be on this like white on rice. A very generoous offer!
If someone else hasnt already spoken for it, im pretty sure my sister would want it.
Travis_K wrote:
If someone else hasnt already spoken for it, im pretty sure my sister would want it.
Travis, check with your sister and make sure that she wants it then send me your address through the board's message system.
I'll mail it to you and you can reimburse me the postage after you receive it.
Ok, it looks like the camera has been spoken for.
This was very nice of you to do. I still shoot with my old film Nikons all the time and have the "egg" space in my fridge filled with rolls of black and white film.
Funny thing is I went out to some yard sales today with my girl friend and picked up an old Federal enlarger with 3 trays and a few tongs for $25. Not bad to start a dark room at home.