Hey guys,
My 7 year old son has a regular Nintendo DS(maybe lite?),and I just bought a DSi. I wasn't specifically looking for the DSi,but I liked the white color,and didn't like the colors on the DSlite's. I was wondering if you guys knew of some cool things that can be done with this thing. So far we have figured out how to download play MarioKart,and that is fun,but something tells me there are some really cool things I am missing with this unit. Any guidance would be appreciated. I was into video games in my youth(born in the mid 70's so my childhood was smack in the video game are),but these new systems have me a bit confused.
I would have gotten a DS Lite if I were you. The DSi is cool with it's camera and ability to download games, but the older one can play older Gameboy Advance games, and there are TONS of great GBA games out there. Also, you can get mini Flash card adapters that allow for you to play movies, MP3's, and more importantly, backed-up games.
I don't think you can do that with the DSi.
Either way, you'll love it. There are tons of great games out there for the DS as it is, so you'll have plenty of fun with it. get some Wi-Fi games going with your son, too! Some of my faves:
-Dragon Quest Monsters: Rocket Slime
-Mario Kart DS
-New Super Mario Bros
-WarioWare Touched
-Final Fantasy IV
-Retro Game Challenge
-Konami Arcade Classics
-Contra 4
-all of the Castlevania games (Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin, Order of Ecclesia)
-Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
-Front Mission
If I think of more, I'll let you know. 
I have an old GB Advance already,and my son has the DS Lite so I am covered any way. We have played downloaded games vs each other. So far we had done this with Super Mario bros,and Mario Kart. Is there a way to play with other people as well that are not in the same room,or house as us? Is that what you are talking about with WiFi games? If so is there a charge for doing this?
Here's some neat stuff:
Mazdax605 wrote:
Is there a way to play with other people as well that are not in the same room,or house as us? Is that what you are talking about with WiFi games? If so is there a charge for doing this?
Yes, that is what I was talking about. I play with my fiance all the time. It's pretty damn cool! Also, yes, there are some games you can play online with others. Those games will have a blue logo on the box that says Nintendo WFC Compatible, and you can play over any open network. I've never actually done it, but I believe it works like the Wii does with "friend codes" (aka system ID codes). And yes, it's free! 
6/1/10 9:42 p.m.
Get an r4. DL bajillions of games. Proceed to win. I have several DS's for that reason. (Plus, they're PINK!)
What is an r4 if I may ask? I didn't like the lites that were available as they only had pink,and a weird blue in stock,so I opted for the white DSi.
6/1/10 11:59 p.m.
r4 is a card that basically bypasses all of the need for multiple DS games and allows you to create a "backup" (read- 100's of games on one card). So you DL whatever you want to a micro SD card, stick said micro SD card in the back of the unsuspecting DS, and game til your eyeballs fall out.
Also, little known fact, only relevant to the collector market- anything Nintendo and pink will invariably be worth the most on the collector market. I buy all my Nintendo in pink for that reason.
All I know is my DS lite is silver and is the only thing I play any more. Mario Kart FTW
In reply to mndsm:
Where do you get the games to download though if I bought one of those R4's? I assume you have to get the illegally,or are these homemade games we are talking about?