moron said:Car runs, too many issues to list. Hey, at least it runs. $1500 OBO. Call Michael @
Michael needs a sterilizing
*Note for Baxter... word filter does not work in Topic Line.... I used the real "No berkeleying E36 M3 " as my topic and it posted it straight up... So I deleted it. and posted this"
and what is it?...oh stoopid people...
So, what you're saying is, we should all send him an email at noon that reads:
Man, that car looks awesome, but does it run?
I don't get it. There are a few vehicles in my family's stable that run, but have too many issues to list. Broken door locks, knocky engine (F-150, it's natural), sagging doors, broken leafsprings, etc. Doesn't mean they're not worth a few pennies. Hey, at least they run! 
I like how that guys spelled MORONS "M-O-R-A-N-S". Go USA!
confuZion3 wrote:
I don't get it. There are a few vehicles in my family's stable that run, but have too many issues to list. Broken door locks, knocky engine (F-150, it's natural), sagging doors, broken leafsprings, etc. Doesn't mean they're not worth a few pennies. Hey, at least they run!
I like how that guys spelled MORONS "M-O-R-A-N-S". Go USA!
What's not to get? Someone posts an ad for a car for sale. Does not specify the make, model or year of the car, names a price and says it runs, albeit with numerous other problems.
I read your post again and this time thought it was supposed to be sarcastic. At least that's what I'm hoping.
captainzib wrote:
confuZion3 wrote:
I don't get it. There are a few vehicles in my family's stable that run, but have too many issues to list. Broken door locks, knocky engine (F-150, it's natural), sagging doors, broken leafsprings, etc. Doesn't mean they're not worth a few pennies. Hey, at least they run!
I like how that guys spelled MORONS "M-O-R-A-N-S". Go USA!
What's not to get? Someone posts an ad for a car for sale. Does not specify the make, model or year of the car, names a price and says it runs, albeit with numerous other problems.
I read your post again and this time thought it was supposed to be sarcastic. At least that's what I'm hoping.
Ha! Yeah, there was a bit of sarcasam. But I did miss the fact that we have no idea what he's selling. I didn't look for that though when I opened the listing -- I just thought the description itself was what we were all laughing about.
Sometimes, I feel like a "moran". 
BTW I nominated that for Best of Craigslist. I'm curious if anyone else would agree. Some of the other best of's were a little more epic, (crackhead stealing motorcycle sparkplugs comes to mind), but this one was just short and to the point.
Well, he added the details of what it is now.
that MB so wants to follow me home.. but I fear it would bankrupt me.
Hmm, 1500 is way too much for a 23 year old car that "might only last a week".
In my opinion a disposable car should cost no more than 500.
Anyway here is a pic to show the bodystyle.

Someone buy it and convert it into one of these:

cars down in south carolina are very hard to find in running daily beater condition for less that $1000. Because there is no inspection, anything that moves is considered to be worth atleast $1k. I've seen wrecked cars with milkshaked engines go for $700. Hey but, atleast it'll be rust free.!!!
Rust free, my ass. These ijits down here do NOT understand the concept of the downtown streets flooding with brackish water.
That thing is crying for a 5.0, and factory 16 Valve badges. And who says there's no truth in advertising anymore...
With scrap cars now well over $200 without cats, and cats usually over $100 as well, the days of the $500 running beater may be a thing of the past. Just not worth the hassle of trying to sell something if you're not going to get any more for it than you would get with one phone call and a tow truch showing up at your door the same day.
Hey, some of us are still getting $100 cars. So many people just don't know the value of what they have (and the value of scrap yards). Don't lose faith in the $500 car!