After 20 years of smelling it on me, my wife has grown weary of the scent of Irish Spring deodorant soap. I've been using Irish Spring since I was about 14 years old, and now apparently I need to find a new soap. I need something with a mild scent, not douchey like Axe.
Any suggestions?
I’ve been using Zest since I got a giant block for my birthday. It doesn’t seem to have a noticeable scent.
1/17/18 6:22 p.m.
I'd say Zest, assuming you're using block soap and not body wash. Either that or Dove.
If you're using body wash, I like Nivea.
I grew up with Coast. I felt alive with Coast. My wife has switched me to Irish Spring against my will. I still think green soap looks weird though it does appear to wash oil off better than Coast did.
Those were great commercials. Your wife is probably just jealous of armies of pretty Irish girls lusting after your scent.
My skin dries out with most soaps. I use this soap now. It's made from fresh goats.

Came in here just to let everyone know that inside my head is now looping the TV commercial tag line "Manly, YES! But I like it too!" (pronounced with a strong Irish brogue)
And I'll just leave this here for fun...

1/17/18 6:57 p.m.
In reply to bludroptop :
I use Ivory all the time. It's still inexpensive and doesn't leave the scummy, oily residue feeling that I really, really hate. I also shave in the shower and Ivory suds are a great shaving cream, too.
I use whatever soap my wife buys and puts in the shower.
Everyman Jack from Target I use the cedar one. It's one of the only ones that doesn't make my skin feel taught and gross besides Dove for Men.
Dial Gold. It smells like soap. Cleans like soap. Works on everything, including hair. I heard a rumor they were discontinuing it and bought a case a couple of years ago. It's been nice to never run out. I think I'll buy another case when this one gets low.
Dove for Men. Comes in a manly black box and I can get the deep clean (with a bit of gritty pumice) for summer use and moisturizing for winter (cold weather makes my delicate skin dry).
1/17/18 7:30 p.m.
Ivory. Its 99.44% soap, good enough for me.
That green soap is nasty. So much perfume in it.
Ivory ftw. Plus it’s cheap!
I just use shampoo as if it were body wash, so I always smell like green apples or strawberries.
Interestingly enough, I recently learned us Chumps (er Champs) have a series soap sponsor. Never used it but they make one called "Whiskey and Bad Decisions"

logdog said:
Interestingly enough, I recently learned us Chumps (er Champs) have a series soap sponsor. Never used it but they make one called "Whiskey and Bad Decisions"

I hunted down a bottle of this bourbon. It's virtually undrinkable.
I used to do the Ivory soap thing, it tends to overly dry the skin. It is the best thing going however to wash poison ivy oil off before an allergic reaction starts.
1/17/18 8:08 p.m.
Good luck. My wife loved the line of Dove men's soap but they discontinued the scent she liked. I tried the others but didn't like them. I went to buy soap the other day and was faced with four options in bar form, and the rest were all "body wash" bottles. Really? What happened to just...soap?
I walked out with three bars of Irish Spring, seems to work pretty well.
Wait, What happened to Irish Spring?
I’ve lived with hard water for a long time, so I use Dove.
bgkast said:
Wait, What happened to Irish Spring?
Nothing. I've been told it's time for a change, that's all.
1/17/18 8:16 p.m.
Patrick said:
I just use shampoo as if it were body wash, so I always smell like green apples or strawberries.
This... Well, the first part... Not the second part. I must smell like tea trees. Tea trees and old spice.