Anyone interested in doing a GRM'r no-shave November? HERE is the official org information? We could do a team through their sign-up or just do our own thing here and organize a donation to a cancer organization.
My thought would be to post a selfie pict on 11/1 with your baby smooth mug and then another on the 30th in full bloom. This would of course be followed by the best mustache (handlebar, porn, pick your style) competition. Anyone?
I'd participate, but since I grow facial hair about as well as the average 14yo, I don't think it's really a game for me.
10/28/22 1:25 p.m.
Or as I like to call it: November.
I'm undecided how I feel about shaving for no-shave November... I can only imagine the damage I might do to myself trying to use whatever cheap blade I'd have to get from the store after all these years. I suppose the facial bleeding would be Halloween appropriate though.
I already started, as a baby faced man it's humorous and I have to stay at3/8" for work so it'll never be impressive.
10/28/22 5:13 p.m.
Donate my shaving expenses for the month? That's, like, $.60...?
I've been thinking about growing mine again. I'm in for the win.
10/28/22 7:39 p.m.
I mean, I'd be in except for I'd be labelled a cheater. I've been participating continuously. Since July. 2010.
Sounds fun, but I'll pass.
I was last clean shaven in about 1989 when I performed in a production of Madama Butterfly.
Since there wasn't a lot of interest hobiercr and I challenged each other to a contest. We shaved Oct 31st and have been growing beards since. Our contest is whoever has the best beard donates $50 to their favorite cancer charity and 2nd place will donate $25. In the morning we'll put up our final beards and let you guys vote. Only verbal (typed) votes count.
I always thought Movember was mustache only.
Where I am from you don't shave your beard if your team is in the Stanley Cup and you lose.
Ok, here we go. Pre (11/1) and Post (12/1) photos. Gray and a bit spotty on the sides. It's the best my face can do.

The real vote should be what style of stash I need to sculpt now.
Those are some glamour shots. Here's my rough and tough look. Before and after.

In reply to Stampie :
Stamps. Not shaving is ok, but you should at least change your shirt.
In reply to barefootcyborg5000 :
Lol unfortunately working for the man I have about 20 shirts that all look the same. Is that a vote for me?
In reply to Stampie :
I'll vote Stampie. Sorry John.
I vote for John due to mustache superiority.
I vote stampie.
Amazing how much that beard makes your eyes seem not abnormally large.
In reply to Robbie (Forum Supporter) :
Unfortunately it didn't make other things not abnormally large.
12/1/22 7:30 p.m.
That's a really tough call, but I think John wins by a whisker.
SV reX
12/1/22 7:34 p.m.
John. It's a good look on you.
Stampie. More uniform coverage over a larger area. But that dead caterpillar almost lost it for you...
It's close. I think it's a tie at this point. We're going to let voting go until noon tomorrow before we declare a winner.