So, who;s participating and why haha? Actually do you even need a reason?
Pics are optional but awesome....mine will be up end of the month haha
I'm doing it cause i figured why not. Good friend i know said she wanted to see me with a beard soooo i guess thats my reason. Growin my hair out too hahaha
Should be interesting but still looks darn good at this point
My wife has for 13 years threatened divorce if I shave. So it's been no-shave anything for awhile now.
Umm, the NHL playoffs aren't until next April.
Oddly enough, I did trim my beard this morning. I look good with some growth, but I don't think I could pull off the ZZ Top look.
11/12/10 10:34 p.m.
My beard doesn't really grow in fully, which is odd considering I have plenty of body hair...if I don't shave my face I end up with a set of patchy sideburns and a weasel penis moustache and a crappy beard, but random strips of nothing in between....nobody wants to see that, especially in the professional environment of my work.
IF my girlfriend didn't shave for an entire month, I think I would be sad, fortunately, she would go crazy if she didn't for that long... 
11/12/10 10:51 p.m.
I've been doing it. It started as me being too lazy to shave for five days. Then I just didn't shave some more. It looks awful, not full, kinda patchy. And quite itchy. Don't know if I'm going to make it very much longer.
11/12/10 11:35 p.m.
Sonic wrote:
My beard doesn't really grow in fully, which is odd considering I have plenty of body hair...if I don't shave my face I end up with a set of patchy sideburns and a weasel penis moustache and a crappy beard, but random strips of nothing in between....nobody wants to see that, especially in the professional environment of my work.
You and me both. I can do a goatee, and that's about it. My mustache is about 90% full, but a bit whispy, and does not connect with the goatee. The goatee is grown out to the edges of where the big bald patches occur. Never really tried seeing what I could make the sideburns do.
I'm not doing No Shave November, I'm doing Movember.
Just the 'stache, the whole month. Pretty much every guy at my work is doing it too, pretty funny/horrid.
I have a 5 O'Clock shadow 2 hours after shaving, seriously. I didn't shave or get my hair cut for about 6 months a few years ago. I looked like Jack Black with a Jesus beard.
11/13/10 6:27 a.m.
Doing Movember here also.
Me before Movember

Me currently.

Run_Away wrote:
I'm not doing No Shave November, I'm doing Movember.
Just the 'stache, the whole month. Pretty much every guy at my work is doing it too, pretty funny/horrid.
Mark my words.
The 'stache is making a comeback.
I suppose I'm doing it. I go off and on with a beard every couple months anyway.
Moustache March is the best though. Last year I had a handlebar for the whole month.
11/13/10 7:47 a.m.
My Lovely wife says that I look mean with a mustache and it's starting to come in more salt than pepper.
I frequently go a week or more without shaving. Sadly, though, I had to shave on 11/5 for a date with the Family Court Commissioner. I haven't shaved since then.
I've been told by SWMBO that I should keep my mustache and goatee. I look 15 pounds heavier without it. She doesn't like the full beard, though. 
I actually started November 1st without realizing the significance of the date. It is a winter thing for me to grow a decent beard to keep warm. Only issue seems to be icing when snowboarding, but having a built in ski mask is well worth it.
My favorite time is spring when I get to start shaving the beard off into crazy facial hair I wouldn't normally sport. Last year I was Lemmy from Motorhead for a solid week.
SWMBO likes a little scraggle, she's a bit younger than me, and likes me to look something like guys her age. We have a deal..I let it go until it itches, and then I shave it off. Seems to be every four or five days at the moment. Plays hell with razor blades, they get rough really quick when removing that much hair at once. I keep a couple of fresh ones in the medicine cabinet in case there's a funeral or job interview or something else I have to attend. 
11/14/10 2:24 a.m.
My favorite thing about having a goatee is that I can get away with not shaving for a couple days without it being a big deal. Otherwise, I feel too scruffy with just 3-day stubble.
friedgreencorrado wrote:
SWMBO likes a little scraggle, she's a bit younger than me, and likes me to look something like guys her age. We have a deal..I let it go until it itches, and then I shave it off. Seems to be every four or five days at the moment. Plays hell with razor blades, they get rough really quick when removing that much hair at once. I keep a couple of fresh ones in the medicine cabinet in case there's a funeral or job interview or something else I have to attend.
Get one of those hair trimmer/clippers, and use it (without any attachments) to shave. That's what I do. You have a permanent 2-3 day growth, no blades, and no irritation.
the only thing I hate more than shaving is having facial hair. A day without shaving and I am scratching/itching like crazy.
been clean shaven for the past 40 years.. not going to start (stop?) now
Well I just shaved so I'm out haha.
I did Movember last year, No Shave November the year before. I think I'll just keep doing what I'm doing this year.
Last year at work, though, I'd say about 80% of the guys I work with did the Movember thing, we had a contest at our company Christmas party (a couple days into December), the winner received a moustache-shaped cake. We had to "strut our 'stache" in front of everyone, that was quite silly.
I've been participating since 1972!
Zomby woof wrote:
friedgreencorrado wrote:
SWMBO likes a little scraggle, she's a bit younger than me, and likes me to look something like guys her age. We have a deal..I let it go until it itches, and then I shave it off. Seems to be every four or five days at the moment. Plays hell with razor blades, they get rough really quick when removing that much hair at once. I keep a couple of fresh ones in the medicine cabinet in case there's a funeral or job interview or something else I have to attend.
Get one of those hair trimmer/clippers, and use it (without any attachments) to shave. That's what I do. You have a permanent 2-3 day growth, no blades, and no irritation.
Zombie, thanks. I'll dance at your wedding and cry at your funeral. (insert thumbs-up icon here).
Get a real job, you hippies!
11/14/10 11:12 p.m.
I grew my sideburns longer, but that was unrelated to Movember.
My facial hair is pretty sad--I couldn't grow an impressive moustache no matter how hard I tried--and I'm 100% Italian. 
Osterkraut wrote:
Get a real job, you hippies!
Stickin' it to Da Man is grassroots, dude. 

Trying to get another job... figure it's best to keep it neat for interviews lol.