I am not allowed to shave my beard off, per my daughter. I did it once and she wouldn't come near me. Her daddy has facial hair. When she was 3 or 4 she thought that all men had beards and women didn't so if you didn't have a beard she would call you lady. You should have seen the looks on some guys faces.
Soo... a question for all the "grownups" in this thread.
If i'm 25 years old and can't even grow a decent set of sideburns, will i EVER be able to feel the awesomeness that is a full beard or gigantic mutton chops before i die?
11/15/10 11:22 a.m.
I haven't had a haircut since right before my weddin', and that was in October of 2008. I gave up shaving in July- since I hate doing it anyhow, and feel it's a waste of my time. Being of scandanavian descent, I have a pretty rad bright red beard, and giant blonde hair past my shoulders. All I need is a mace and some pelts and I'm good.
11/15/10 11:23 a.m.
93celicaGT2 wrote:
Soo... a question for all the "grownups" in this thread.
If i'm 25 years old and can't even grow a decent set of sideburns, will i EVER be able to feel the awesomeness that is a full beard or gigantic mutton chops before i die?
I wasn't able to fully rock a decent beard til I was damn near 30- give it time.
^ exacty. Give it time. Although a friend of mine still can't and he is 35. So I give you a defiantly. . . .maybe!
Sorry, I've never worn a beard or mustache.
While I had leeway in some positions I've held, most of my working life has been in jobs with facial hair restrictions, based on SCBA/mask sealing. I also have to meet customer facial hair safety standards when on-site. I could wear a cheese little moustache, but .... no thanks.
It is funny when a new guy goes on-site and is handed a razor and told to shave before he can even get the safety briefing ... Career decision time.
Ironically, my youngest son has an epic red beard that grows in with unbelieveable speed. The Texas Tech, band, of which he is a member, restricts the length during football season. I suggested that he incorporate a "double T" design and appeal.
I have sideburns but no beard because the lady friend doesn't like it.
Oprah's Skynet must be in testing phase. I can't stop imagining O discussing this topic with her minnions.
You guys that can go clean shaven are lucky.
I've had a mustache since I was 15. I have no choice. I am so funny looking without it, it's embarrassing.
The 80's were a great time to be a 'stache wearer, but now it's so far out of vogue, you need to dress it up, to not look goofy.
I don't want to look like everybody else, so I wear a kind of VanDyke (what people usually call a goatee) but with the 'stache not connected to the beard, and the beard a little heavier than the top. My wife hates it.
11/15/10 6:59 p.m.
I'm growing a goatee to mask the fact that my mustache sucks. Why then grow a mustache, you might ask? Because I am running the 5th annual Mustache Pub Crawl in Kaukauna, Wisconsin on January 8th, and if I didnt have one, I would not be a very good host.

haven't shaved since 1969... I do trim it up now... for many yrs it just grew wild
Ian F
11/15/10 10:06 p.m.
Salanis wrote:
You and me both. I can do a goatee, and that's about it. My mustache is about 90% full, but a bit whispy, and does not connect with the goatee. The goatee is grown out to the edges of where the big bald patches occur. Never really tried seeing what I could make the sideburns do.
Me three. I haven't even attempted to grow beard in over a decade. Plus, besides being rather blotchy, as grey as my hair is, it makes me look even older than I already am...
Though it took me well into my thirties to do so, I now sport the beard. Still have two bald patches, but I just don't quite connect the mustache to the rest of it. OR, I go with killer chops. depends on if I am on the bike that winter or not. Fuzzy chin = warmer.
Also, I look like a little kid if I'm not sporting facial hair, and it's no fun when my wife is asked about her "son". If mamma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
moxnix wrote:
Doing Movember here also.
Me before Movember
Me currently.
Damn! I won't recognize you the next time we run into one another.
The vote is in, Moxnix looks like Ron Jeremy. You can thank Mr LeHew for putting that into my head. And my wife for seconding.
I'm in the 'have to shave because of job restrictions' camp. I do let it go for a couple weeks at a time, but anytime there's a safety, training, or social reason that requires clean-shaven, off it comes again. I normally only shave about 3 times a week anyway though. I just don't have much beard, so it doesn't matter much. It takes me about 4 days to have a 'five o'clock shadow'.
I did grow a beard for a couple years when I was on a crew where everyone grew one. That beard had big patches of red and blond. Now it's just a trace of red and mostly gray. Ah well...sigh...
11/16/10 11:09 a.m.
Mikey52_1 wrote:
It takes me about 4 days to have a 'five o'clock shadow'.
My growth is funny... I'm blonde, so other than my chin where it comes in red, you can't tell that anything is there for a while. It only takes me until 5 to get the 5 O'clock shadow, but the shadow will stay a shadow for a good three or four days. After that, it just looks patchy and bad. Right now it looks REALLY bad. I don't expect to be able to grow a real beard for another 5 years at least.
well no shave november is coming to a close in a few minutes.
i had fun with it this year and actually will keep my new look for a while.
AAnyone else complete it? pics?

12/1/10 12:17 a.m.
Nice neard!
I gave up, it was just too itchy.
12/1/10 6:31 a.m.
Since I was doing Movember I was only growing the Mustache all month.

Now I can grow my beard back.
Zombie bump, No Shave November! I shaved off everything 10/31 (grew out the stache and beard for my halloween costume, usually babyface fresh), not shaving again until Dec 1, if I can last that long. I usually shave my upper lip, sideburns, neck and chin every day and my head every 2-3 days. Day 2 and my porkchops are already coming in.
11/2/11 5:21 p.m.
mtn wrote:
I've been doing it. It started as me being too lazy to shave for five days. Then I just didn't shave some more. It looks awful, not full, kinda patchy. And quite itchy. Don't know if I'm going to make it very much longer.
Doing it again this year, but I've had a 9 day headstart this year on accident.
mtn wrote:
Mikey52_1 wrote:
It takes me about 4 days to have a 'five o'clock shadow'.
My growth is funny... I'm blonde, so other than my chin where it comes in red, you can't tell that anything is there for a while. It only takes me until 5 to get the 5 O'clock shadow, but the shadow will stay a shadow for a good three or four days. After that, it just looks patchy and bad. Right now it looks REALLY bad. I don't expect to be able to grow a real beard for another 5 years at least.
In a single year, my beard growth has become much thicker. Still some patchy parts though. Guess we'll see how it goes at the end of the month.
11/2/11 5:22 p.m.
I accidentally got a couple weeks' head start on NSN. I decided I'd grow a beard because...why not? Ah, the joys of self employment! Already had a Van Dyke and minor sideburns, so I'm just filling in the rest.
I think my motivation has something to do with the beardy PNW metal I've been listening to lately. You guys will like this (if not for the music then for the Chevy wagon and gratuitous destruction): Red Fang - Wires
11/2/11 5:33 p.m.
I rescind what I said about not being able to grow a beard. There's some lighter spots, and my mustache doesn't connect, but it looks a lot better than I expected. It's only about half as long as I'd like now, so it will be better in another month.
The girlfriend is the biggest proponent of it too.

I need to put on a robe and pose as Buddy Christ.
alex wrote:
I accidentally got a couple weeks' head start on NSN. I decided I'd grow a beard because...why not? Ah, the joys of self employment! Already had a Van Dyke and minor sideburns, so I'm just filling in the rest.
I think my motivation has something to do with the beardy PNW metal I've been listening to lately. You guys will like this (if not for the music then for the Chevy wagon and gratuitous destruction): Red Fang - Wires
Ok, the metal wasn't my style, but the video was great!
I'm in, even though I've never made it more than two weeks without the itching driving me insane.