Helicopters were hovering above my house this morning when I woke up. One of the shootings happened 5 minutes from my house:
Helicopters were hovering above my house this morning when I woke up. One of the shootings happened 5 minutes from my house:
My in-laws live in that area and my wife grew up there, this guy would be a few years older than her but still scary stuff.
That happened to me over the summer. I went to a house to do a job, and right before that the local pharmacy had a guy pull a gun looking for oxy. The whole time I was working, the homeowner had the police scanner going. It was fascinating in a keystone cop sort of way. They never found the guy even thou he fled on foot, and they had search dogs, helicopters, and multiple police agencies. It was the third time in 3 months it had been held up, and still no arrests.
Choppers? Wait till it happens at 1:00am. And it comes down, blacked out to about 15ft of the deck. And you don't live near anything/anyone. And there no reports of wrongdoing. (tinfoil hat)
I sort of had that happen one time. I stopped to use the ATM at the bank across the street from the office on my way to work one morning. My desk overlooked the bank from a couple stories up, and suddenly about 9:00 there were a bunch of cop cars and a SWAT truck on site, and a chopper flying around right overhead, like eye-level to me out the window.
Turns out a team of guys had broken into the bank via the roof the night before, then waited for the staff to show up and the vault to open. As soon as the staff was there, they robbed the place. It was probably going down while I used the ATM, but it wasn't obvious anything was wrong then.
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