Finally my "race" car is actually race able.
Middle of October, and that gives me one hillclimb and one autocross before the end of the season. There may be more events before spring, but the seasonal nature of my work conflicts with most fun stuff by early November.
Where does the summer go?!?!
Summer goes to the same place as all the other socks I cant guess is canada
In reply to Platinum90:
In all seriousness, the last thing needed to be done was put in the windshield. I got window urethane on my hands.....and knew my wife would kill me if I got any on the camera.
Had to leave it in the shop overnight, so it was warm enough to cure the adhesive.
I hit the dmv this afternoon and drive it home. I'll have pictures tonight or tomorrow morning.
It's not done, but it is raceable.
Any interest in ice racing?
Interest yes, but I have a job conflict.
I work weekends from November to April, so that pretty much kills anything I want to do.
Really wish I could.
well, look at it this way.. you can get a couple events in.. consider it a shake down.. and then spend the winter fine tuning
So I finally got the race car home last night. These were some hasty pictures. Car is still full of doo-dee that I had to bring home from the shop.
In order to race at mt philo this weekend I have to:
re-install the fire ext
Install roll bar padding in a few spots
saftey wire the clips on the harness belts
re-install the wiper arms.
Tape over a few random holes in the body work that use to have plugs.
Other non critical stuff
Paint-Cage and few misc spots.
Change the seat mounts, need to be lower, and slightly more reclined.
Re-install various trim pieces.
The door switches were removed, so the car thinks the doors are open all the time, need to correct that or the dummy light in the dash will drive me up a wall.
That's what I love about hill climbs, no margin for error.
Now you have a winter project.
10/18/10 11:13 a.m.
Bummer. Looks like the cage worked as intended.
In reply to pigeon:
yes it did. No apparent deformation at first glance, but honestly, I haven't looked it over thoroughly yet.
It's a little weird being on your roof, and knowing you are sliding. All the safety gear seemed to do it's job. Certainly makes me want to add a head and neck restraint before I do another event.
Holy crap. Glad you are OK.
Need the back story on how you ended up there.
Mt Philo hillclimb
Wet day, rain, plenty of leaves on the road outside of the racing line. Went a touch wide hoping for a faster line through corner 5. Brakes on the right side got grip, left side did not. So it kicked my left side out. No room to recover, so I went off sideway, or maybe backwards. Drivers side dug in some how, and flipped me on to my roof as I slid down the hill. I'm guessing 100ft or so, a big tree stopped me. Relatively low speed. FIA(or flemke for the circle track folks)bars are a real good idea.
does she look fully repairable?
incidents like that are why my balls havent grown enough to try some hillclimbing yet.
Haven't had a good look yet. Drivetrain is likely ok. Probably looking at a re-shell type of situation.
10/18/10 2:22 p.m.
I've got a similar story, got our project car ready for the last 3 autoX and no HPDEs of the season, after the 2nd one the XR jumped the dolly and crushed the intercooler and downpipe, obviously not as bad as you, but I understand where you're coming from, bummer.
I thought that probably was at Philo.
A few years ago while taking an orientation drive up Okemo,the instructor stopped at one corner, forget which one. He said, Now this is one corner that you want to pay particular attention. On the right was a drop of a couple hundred feet, on the left a rock wall.
But still, hill climbs are fun.
could look alot worse. Though it doesn't look good.
sorry about the bad luck, mate.
10/18/10 10:43 p.m.

That sucks man! Glad your ok though... You must have done good on the cage. Hopefully you'll be able to find another chassis to swap everything over too. Dont give up!
Oh, I'm not giving up. That f'n hill is not going to beat me.
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
10/19/10 8:28 a.m.
That cage really kept the car together well. You can see how the rear looks a lot worse than the front---essentially showing where the cage wasn't. Good build.
I'm sorry to see that, but happier that you're ok.
Ummmm, is that mud on the seat?