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alfadriver PowerDork
9/13/13 10:06 a.m.
Chris_V wrote:
alfadriver wrote: In reply to z31maniac: hmm.. the restaurants I want to keep in touch with e-mail me directly. As do the bands. As do the concert series.
So you only hear about stuff from places and people you already know about. You never learn about new restaurants to visit from the ones that email you directly... I've found out about a number of good pubs and restaurants that I never heard about before from friends on FB posting about their good (or bad) experiences.

No, my freinds tell me about them, too. That, and there are other, avenues other than FB to find out about new venues of anything. Stuff that one does not need to be members of to use.

FB isn't an exclusive way to communicate.

PHeller UberDork
9/13/13 10:09 a.m.

There is a big push in mountain biking clubs to do Facebook only communication. It's stupid.

The whole idea of the club website is to provide maps, alert the public to closed trails or closed property, and the ability to be accessed from work or by public officials.

z31maniac UltimaDork
9/13/13 10:10 a.m.
alfadriver wrote:
Chris_V wrote:
alfadriver wrote: In reply to z31maniac: hmm.. the restaurants I want to keep in touch with e-mail me directly. As do the bands. As do the concert series.
So you only hear about stuff from places and people you already know about. You never learn about new restaurants to visit from the ones that email you directly... I've found out about a number of good pubs and restaurants that I never heard about before from friends on FB posting about their good (or bad) experiences.
FB isn't an exclusive way to communicate.

Jesus Christ, no one is saying it is!

I still use the Internet, email, phone, etc. Some of us have found Facebook useful. And for what Chris has mentioned as well.

You don't. We got it from the 3 times you've posted it's not needed.

93EXCivic MegaDork
9/13/13 10:11 a.m.

Ha. I knew exactly what this thread would become when I read Facebook in the OP.

alfadriver PowerDork
9/13/13 10:16 a.m.

In reply to z31maniac:

Well, it sure is being implied that it is. As if I am missing out on something. I'm not. I'm not missing out on new restaurants, I'm not missing out on concerts, I'm not missing out on kids pictures (which I don't give a crap about anyway), etc. Chris DIRECTLY challenged that I am not getting info on new places from friends- go read his post. The part about "You never learn about new restaurants..." suggests that I need FB to find out about new restaurants.

So how about stop implying that one needs this crap so that I get to sit through their advertising, and have to deal with the fact that they market my info to the highest bidder, etc.

JThw8 PowerDork
9/13/13 10:29 a.m.
alfadriver wrote: So how about stop implying that one needs this crap so that I get to sit through their advertising, and have to deal with the fact that they market my info to the highest bidder, etc.

If you think staying off FB is preventing your info from being marketed to the highest bidder you are mistaken of course. You are just someone else's product now.

Ian F
Ian F UltimaDork
9/13/13 10:34 a.m.
93EXCivic wrote: Ha. I knew exactly what this thread would become when I read Facebook in the OP.


Chris_V UltraDork
9/13/13 10:35 a.m.
alfadriver wrote: In reply to z31maniac: So how about stop implying that one needs this crap so that I get to sit through their advertising, and have to deal with the fact that they market my info to the highest bidder, etc.

So stop the pretentious "I'm better than everyone because I don't use that popular thing that everyone else does" crap, too.

turboswede GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
9/13/13 10:59 a.m.

I just wanted to say that I use FaceBook as well as Google+, email, text messaging, phones, etc. its all just a way to communicate with people/places you know or would like to know for both personal and business solutions. That is all.

turboswede GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
9/13/13 11:06 a.m.
alfadriver wrote: In reply to z31maniac: their advertising, and have to deal with the fact that they market my info to the highest bidder, etc.

Any/all free services on the internet do this to some decgree. From your free email to news sites, to this very website. Your choice, but don't delude yourself into thinking that Facebook is any better or worse than any other free social media solution in regards to advertising and selling your information.

wbjones PowerDork
9/13/13 11:34 a.m.
z31maniac wrote:
wbjones wrote:
z31maniac wrote: Those pathetic little cries for attention crack me up. Just remove the people and move on. It's not like you would have ever noticed. *insert a bunch of old guys complaining about not needing to see what people are eating, whilst completely ignoring the keeping up with friends, events, concerts, etc.*
I'm one of the "old guys" ... I have a FB page, I've never friended anyone, I've never asked to be someones friend ... I don't have any problem at all with keeping up with friends, events etc ...
Missing the point. For example, I can "like" many of the wife and I's favorite restaurants, bands, etc. Then you can easily see when they are having specials, have changed menu's, your fav band is coming to town and other cool around town stuff I would likely never hear about because I don't watch TV or news and I don't read any of our cruddy local papers. It's a great tool for a lot of things.

no ... you're missing the point ...

I can easily keep up with anything and everything that I want to without using FB

cannot for the life of me understand how FB would improve on my life

and while I couldn't care less about learning any more about FB ... I also don't have any problem (nor should I) with you thinking it's the best thing since sliced bread ...

Swank Force One
Swank Force One MegaDork
9/13/13 11:37 a.m.

I don't use Facebook and i think those of you that do are shallow and godless heathens.

wlkelley3 SuperDork
9/13/13 11:52 a.m.

My kids got me onto Facebook. Easy way to share photo's (of the grandkids particularly). It did lead to expanding to old high school friends and army buddies, neither of which I've seen or heard from in years. It's kinda fun to see what they are up to now days and renew the friendship that time and distance took away. Don't base my life on Facebook though but will admit it does have advantages and disadvantages. I've learned how to block the games that pop up and ignore the game/app/whatever requests. I sometimes unfriend those that are persistant with trying a whatever feature. Sorry (not really), I don't play games or share personal data.

Jerry Dork
9/13/13 12:06 p.m.

As much as I like/use Facebook (I found someone on the Ohio MR2 Owners page that had 8 OEM wheels he'd sell me for $110 this weekend, for instance), my original point of this thread wasn't even about Facebook!

The real point was the fact that someone had said "nothing personal", but did in fact do something personal. Along the lines of "I'm not racist, BUT..."

But feel free to carry on the rants, it's a slow day at work and I need entertainment. (I like FB, you don't. I get it.)

fasted58 PowerDork
9/13/13 12:06 p.m.

If FB works for you in any fashion by all means use it, there are many ways to tailor it to your specific needs.

If it doesn't work for you... well just don't berkeleying use it.

What could be easier.

turboswede GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
9/13/13 12:40 p.m.

My final thoughts on Facebook:

Without it, I'd have likely not heard about the 944 Turbo I just bought for a crazy price ($2500), nor the replacement transaxle I just bought for $250 from the same Facebook group.

It is a tool, a useful one at times, but a tool nonetheless.

spitfirebill UberDork
9/13/13 12:42 p.m.

The funny thing about Facebook is the girls who looked so hot in high school don't look so hot now. Yet, some people don't look like they've changed on bit.

Zomby Woof
Zomby Woof PowerDork
9/13/13 1:00 p.m.
Jerry wrote: I get it, but isn't that the very definition of "personal"?

No, because it has nothing to do with you. It's the opposite of personal.

I resisted for a long time, but just joined because so many people, including the club I race with are using it to communicate. I'm surprised at how well it works for some things.

What I've wondered for a while now, is just how long it will last. It's not the hot new thing anymore, and hasn't been for some time. Is the advertising potential really that good? Do companies get value for their money? I know there are ads on there (I also know that's only a small part of it), but I don't even notice them. Or is it only a short matter of time before everybody (the people paying the bills) move on to something new? Personally, I'm surprised it hasn't become myspace yet. Maybe it's just so big, it's going to take that much longer to become a non-issue.

z31maniac UltimaDork
9/13/13 1:08 p.m.

I love that just using Facebook means you "think it's the greatest thing sliced bread" or "its the only means of communication" or "it's completely unnecessary for anything"

Seriously, I find it funny those of you who don't like it get gigantic raging boners hating on it? Lighten up.

Or just EABBOD.

Couldn't care less either way.

JoeyM Mod Squad
9/13/13 1:10 p.m.
Zomby Woof wrote: What I've wondered for a while now, is just how long it will last. It's not the hot new thing anymore, and hasn't been for some time. Is the advertising potential really that good?

I hear the kids prefer vine, instagram and tumbler

Jerry Dork
9/13/13 1:12 p.m.
Zomby Woof wrote:
Jerry wrote: I get it, but isn't that the very definition of "personal"?
No, because it has nothing to do with you. It's the opposite of personal.

I took it as "you were ok as long as I was with this one guy, but now that I'm not with him anymore you aren't worthy of my friendship". Seemed personal. Although couldn't care less.

JThw8 PowerDork
9/13/13 1:59 p.m.
Zomby Woof wrote: Is the advertising potential really that good? Do companies get value for their money?

My personal experience. What I do has always catered to a very limited niche market and had languished under the previous organization due to lack of growth.

FB fronted me $50 of free advertising so I gave it a shot. I tripled page followers during that ad campaign (followers are now actively getting my information instead of passively seeing advertisements) and at least 15% of the sign ups for our initial event are as a direct result of the FB page. 15% growth on a concept which was loosing 10-20% participation each year and growth on an even more limited scope event than the old format. I'm satisfied.

Even if I had paid that $50 out of my pocket I would consider it a good investment. I would have never thought I could have gained the interest I did in our oddball event through FB. When we launch the news for the S2S event I will feel very comfortable paying out a portion of our meager advertising budget to run another FB campaign.

Ian F
Ian F UltimaDork
9/13/13 2:47 p.m.
Zomby Woof wrote: What I've wondered for a while now, is just how long it will last. It's not the hot new thing anymore, and hasn't been for some time. Is the advertising potential really that good? Do companies get value for their money? I know there are ads on there (I also know that's only a small part of it), but I don't even notice them. Or is it only a short matter of time before everybody (the people paying the bills) move on to something new? Personally, I'm surprised it hasn't become myspace yet. Maybe it's just so big, it's going to take that much longer to become a non-issue.

That is sort of the $64K question, and arguably one that took so long for FB to start showing decent income. Advertising ROI is always hard to quantify, regardless of the chosen media. But in a way, it's better than TV advertising - especially in the current days of tivo and being able to fast-forward through commercials. If I happen to notice see something interesting in the ad banner, I do click on it once in awhile. Have I actually bought anything? No, not that I recall. But clicking on that ad link got me closer than just about any TV commercial ever has.

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
9/13/13 2:58 p.m.
pinchvalve wrote: It's a silly website, not the fabric of our society.

Man I hope you're right...

ultraclyde SuperDork
9/13/13 3:09 p.m.
mtn wrote: FB is a great tool, but it works better when you weed out the tools.

Awesome. I posted that to my FB status. Really.

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