If you're the type happy to brush off modern surveillance as something only "terrorists" should worry about, you should consider how far you are from being considered a "terrorist" and what that could lead to. Here's what happened to one such dangerous person back when even a dial-up BBS might as well have been The Matrix:
Being a Muslim or a cypherpunk is already enough to make yourself "interesting"...are you "boring" enough?
12/29/14 7:06 p.m.
I'm interested to read some of the responses to this thread, but not interesting in posting my opinion.
"We're from the government, we're here to help."

12/29/14 8:44 p.m.
We've done it to ourselves, and have only ourselves to blame. And only we can fix it. But we won't. 
we won't/can't fix it because we (as a people) think that more cameras is a good thing. Most people cannot even remember when there was not cameras everywhere.
As interesting aside. Way back in the early 90s when I was in college, there was a nasty drag out fight that resulted in somebody going to the hospital. The problem was, nobody knew who the assailant was.. until they realized the fight took place in front of the only ATM on campus with it's little camera.
Cameras started popping up all over campus after that. The kids did not want them, the teachers did not want them, the parents did
I am hoping they can start reading our thoughts, because I really would like to know what I was thinking sometimes!
One time, they put a camera in my colon. True story.
12/30/14 8:35 a.m.
they've stuck one up my butt twice now … 
12/30/14 8:51 a.m.
Right, everyone wants cameras until they are pointed at themselves.
12/30/14 9:59 a.m.
Never invite the man into your life until absolutely necessary.
Pretty soon, surveillance cameras won't be necessary. Everyone's taking so many videos and pictures of themselves and plopping them up on FaceSpace already.
We have met the enemy, and he is us.
Gee. Half-century-old irrelevance. I'm sure things have gotten better by now. 
wbjones wrote:
they've stuck one up my butt twice now …
I have some glossy photos of what is up my butt 
If you find what the FBI did back then disturbing, I strongly suggest you don't google things like "Project MKUltra".
In reply to Kenny_McCormic:
Thank you for that. The Wikipedia on it is fascinating: "surprise acid trips became something of an occupational hazard among CIA operatives"
I do have to say I like when camera's catch systemic police violence.