Did I just miss this and we've already beaten this dead horse?
Cuomo stated, "this new law will limit vehicular violence through common sense, and reasonable reforms that will make New York a safer place to live. When society confronts serious issues, it is the function of government to do something, and the NY DRIVE Act will now give New York State the toughest, strongest protections against vehicular violence in the nation."
Provisions in the DRIVE Act would ban multiple makers of vehicles including Lamborghini, Porsche, and Ferrari, as well as many more common models such as the Chevy Corvette and Camaro, Ford Mustang, Dodge Challenger and Charger.
I can't tell if this is a joke or the real thing.
No way that's real. Funny part is the loons who will believe it.
Sounds like a "hey when we apply gun control logic to something else it sounds absurd huh?" argument.
That would make NY so much fun I might have to move there!
Picture this.... A front wheel drive Honda civic beater with an LS motor in the trunk. Cruise to the smog test on 4cylinders and pass with flying colors.
Or just nitrous. Lots and lots of nitrous....
Dateline: New York
Governor Cuomo has introduced a measure that would ban the sale of rotted meats infected with deadly bacteria. Wayne LaPiere is quoted as saying the only cure for deadly, infected meats is more deadly, infected meats.
I hear that NYC wants to ban vehicles with large cupholders which can accommodate illegal beverages.
carguy123 wrote:
I can't tell if this is a joke or the real thing.
The tag "satire" below the author's name might be a clue....
Turboeric wrote:
carguy123 wrote:
I can't tell if this is a joke or the real thing.
The tag "satire" below the author's name might be a clue....
It was, but there was just enough other stuff I thought maybe he was just inflating a real issue. After the soda pop issue I'd believe anything coming out of NY. They be crazy up there, but it's the overcrowding. Rats turn on each other when they are put into overcrowded conditions like that.
And then there's the winters. Do you realize they get snow up there!! Right now I have flowers blooming, the trees are greening out and they still have cold. How do people live like that? They've got a good PR department because no one would live like that any place else.
I'm glad it is a joke. But I still want to GTFO of NY, but that looks to be at least a year away.
Dr. Hess wrote:
Now, I noticed that a judge declared that banning large sodapop sales is unconstitutional or otherwise illegal, but disarming New York citizens seems to be perfectly OK.
Yep. But only because the "large sugary drink" ban...wasn't. You could sell this, but not that, and this store could sell it, but that one couldn't. That's pretty much what the judge balked at. it's capreciousness.
The other ban is more flat and across the board. And, didn't get brought before this particular judge.
You could almost believe it's not a joke...almost. Where was it that had a ban on "street racing vehicles" and would crush modded cars caught speeding a few years back? It was somewhere in the US or Canada.
Anyway this law would turn NY into old school JDM paradise. Under 200hp, 4 or less passengers, old school meaty tires, no SUVs allowed. Cue Initial D soundtrack!
I think that law was that only cars found to be stolen or with stolen parts (like B18 engines from stolen cars) could be crushed.
Didn't the jumbo soda ban sorta fizzle out?
And oh yeah: If Ferraris are outlawed, only outlaws will have Ferraris.
I love all the comments beneath that think this is the real deal...
3/14/13 9:35 a.m.
In reply to Rufledt:
I've always said, the only good ferrari is one on fire....
GameboyRMH wrote:
...turn NY into old school JDM paradise.
Only if we have to walk every where in the winter. NY loves road salt.
Jeez, what's with all the burning Ferraris?
Yeah it's satire, but there was one part sorta halfassed true: some states (SC is one) restrict the light transmission of window tint, has to be 35% or better IIRC. The reason given was the police could not see inside a vehicle at a traffic stop.
3/14/13 12:27 p.m.
In reply to Curmudgeon:
Indiana has a limit somewhere close to that.....I've only been messed with once for it, and politely pointed out the trooper's window tint was darker. I got a warning for speeding out of that. 
CA (imagine that) has had tint laws for decades. Not strictly enforced, but is always a "legitimate" excuse to get pulled over if you have it.
3/14/13 12:45 p.m.
In reply to Cone_Junky:
Promptly followed by "Ihre Papiere bitte"
3/14/13 12:55 p.m.
I'm heading out to attack a school with high capacity soda cups.