I know the answer here is to get away from Yahoo mail, but...
I have a Yahoo email address that I have used for years. I am having the weirdest issue. The enter key/return key is not working from my laptop.
If I open a word doc from this laptop I can write multiple paragraphs. At the end of one paragraph you hit the Enter/Return key on the laptop and the cursor moves to a new paragraph.
I can post here on GRM from the laptop and the enter/return key works fine ( I wrote this from same laptop.)
However, if I write a Yahoo email from this laptop, the enter/return key acts dead.
But, if I open the Yahoo mail via my Android phone, the enter/return functions acts fine and as expected?
Any suggestions?
Are you using an app on the phone, or are you also using a web browser?
I just opened Yahoo mail from laptop via Explorer and the return key works.
Still not working from laptop via Chrome. Odd
and other things besides grm work on the browser?
Other things seem to work fine on the Chrome browser. I have a gmail account. When I go there via the laptop and Chrome, all works as expected.
Reluctantly, I executed "IT Repair Step #1" and it seems to be back to working correctly. Ya.
Don't worry, you're not completely crazy. I've had some enter issues with Yahoo mail on Chrome too. But mine was that it would send the email with every enter. Talk about frustrating.
To be fair though, I have an ad block add-in on Chrome to keep the mess down (works great), but it seems to mess with Yahoo mail from time to time.