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I work in an office, McCredie Insurance Agency, next to a small runoff pond. Today our newest neighbors were honking at their reflections in the mirrored windows. I sent an e mail to all of my fellow employees that it looks like we have some mascots. I recieved a response that we name them Mick and Reedie. I am going to buy a bushel of corn for them after work. I am hoping that they raise a big healthy family.
My old building was older and surrounded by woods, and there were always bugs getting into the office. Someone was smart enough to bring in a bug cage and we used to have bug battles at work. The best was the two Praying Manti (or mantises, whatever) that we found. We named them after our bosses. 
We put them in the cage and fed them smaller bugs. We left them overnight, and they did mantis stuff (aka one ate the other) and we crowned that one the grand champion.
yeah, wait until one of those gets cranky and and comes after you. There beaks are right at the level of your manhood. You've been advised of the risks, don't slip on the poop they leave behind.
At our old, old office we'd get armadillos rooting around beside the building. I believe JG once pet one.
I wouldn't do anything to attract or keep geese. They eat everything in front and foul everything behind. Make a ton of noise and get territorial.
4/16/13 3:38 p.m.
I had a pet wolf spider on my desk at my last job named Fluffy. Great for keeping the customer service chickens away. She was in a CD spindle case and we fed her whatever was unlucky enough to be in the bushes out front. I set Fluffy free when I noticed she was toting an egg sac one morning. Nope nope nope nope...
4/16/13 3:40 p.m.
I'm trying real hard to come up with a positive for geese. The only things I can think of are "They are fun to shoot at" and "they taste good when prepared with bacon and jalepeno".
Those things are really big rats with wings. Wait till they get real bold at crossing the street. You'll sit there for minutes.
4/16/13 4:12 p.m.
Yeah, you don't want geeses out there every day. At work we've spend hundreds on those fake foxes to ward off the geese.
Agreed, you do not want to attract geese. They sh!t like dogs.
If you must, get a young set of swans. They will return for life.
4/16/13 4:46 p.m.
Only thing geese are good for is daring idiot drunk buddies to try and grab. That E36 M3 is hilarious.
We were at a spring festival this weekend and they had peacocks roaming around. They were very pretty, but loud AND they kept fighting themselves in every chrome bumper or chrome wheel. It was funny, but I wouldn't have wanted to own one of those trucks.
Couple of the plants I worked at bordered wooded areas. There were deer, turkey, rabbits, squirrels, possums, coons, skunks, fox, groundhogs, snakes, hawks, an eagle and once a coyote. Ya never knew what you'd see.
One night a mature doe and button buck fell off a 20' retaining wall, both were alive but had broken legs/ hips. Deputy warden came in and shot both. I had first dibs and took the doe. Yum... doe burgers for the gang.
No geese tho...
I don't think I'd eat a non-migratory, industrial park goose. Those things are tempered in E36 M3.
My neighborhood has a beach for the residents, sounds great right? It's a constant battle to keep up with the goose and duck poo everywhere.
My office mascot is a crackhead called "shorty lick". Does that count?
Last week I walked out the front door of my office and there were two huge wild turkeys pecking at their reflections in the glass.
Kill them all. As a Canadian, they are nothing more than flying rats. Every year, one decides to take up a spot on top of where I enter the office and you are close enough (vertically) that he feels the need to honk at you as you enter the building. Imma get a bb gun and show him what he can do with his honking
Also, they are very vicious, DO NOT FEED THEM. They will practically attack you for food if they get used to it.
Do what you can to encourage them to leave. Just wait until one is on the sidewalk, blocking your way into the office. Then, you'll find out what a pain in the ass they are.
The ASE office down in Leesburg VA has some nice feral cats they take care of. The cats live in a little house by a storm drain.
4/17/13 8:06 a.m.
Appleseed wrote:
Those things are really big rats with wings. Wait till they get real bold at crossing the street. You'll sit there for minutes.
If you don't stop, they will suddenly remember how to move fast and they will get out of your way. I used to work near a pond that attracted dozens of those awful creatures. They would slowly march across the street several times a day, and most people would just stop and wait for them to slowly lumber across the road. I'd just keep moving towards them at normal speed which would get me dirty looks from most of the other onlookers, but I'll be damned if those geese didn't haul ass out of the road when they saw I wasn't going to stop for them. Unfortunately, I never did manage to actually hit one and put it out of my misery...
You know that Canada geese are total dicks right? Maybe just the ones that are used to contact with humans...
Chasing geese with a remote control boat at my father in laws pond makes for an awesome Saturday afternoon.