Grab your tinfoil hats people, the stupid politicians are at it again!
At the request of Governor Theodore Kulongoski, the Oregon Speaker of the House has introduced legislation (H.B. 2186) to prohibit the sale and distribution of aftermarket motor vehicle parts if alternatives are available that “decrease greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles.” The bill is primarily focused on aftermarket tires and would authorize the Environmental Quality Commission to implement enforcement regulations, likely based on a rolling resistance calculation.
We Urge You to Contact Oregon Speaker of the House Dave Hunt and Members of the Environment and Water Committee (Contact Information Below) Immediately to Request Their Opposition to H.B. 2186
H.B. 2186 would regulate vehicle fuel economy, an authority reserved to the federal government.
H.B. 2186 could ban tires that may have improved performance, handling or appearance features, based solely on a rolling resistance rating. In addition, this program could easily distract consumers from focusing on more important safety issues such as tire inflation and overloading of vehicles.
H.B. 2186 would force consumers to purchase only original equipment manufacturer (OEM) tires because the program essentially exempts OEM-selected tires and unfairly implies that they are superior to aftermarket products.
H.B. 2186 could prohibit aftermarket parts designed to either personalize or optimize specific vehicle performance attributes including handling, towing, suspension, fuel economy, etc.
H.B. 2186 provides broad authority to government regulators and could limit a range of aftermarket parts currently available to consumers based on the subjective determination of government regulators.
How's that for nutjob laws? Nashco we need you buddy!
Honestly, I do not think a law like that is constitutional..
2/6/09 3:25 p.m.
mad_machine wrote:
Honestly, I do not think a law like that is constitutional..
Oh, NOW we think the Constitution will protect us?
of course it will.. it outlaws freetrade and keeps corporations from raping us...
In most cases you can't even purchase OEM tires! They may have the same name and model numbers, but the construction is different. The same tires on the car when new and the same tires on Tire Rack...the aren't the same (unless you special order them and know EXACTLY what differentiates the OEM tire, country of origin for example).
I think a politician trying to pass a law that relates to engineering should be required to possess an engineering degree. Same goes for all politicians trying to pass laws relating to fields that they don't know dick about.
It's easy to demonstrate the direct relationship between rolling resistance and ultimate grip. therefore, on behalf of anyone whose vehicle, while equipped with low rolling-resistance (ie low-grip) tires mandated by this legislation, slides off the road and injures or kills anyone, i will bring suit against all legislators who agree with this legislation either by drafting it or signing it.
2/6/09 7:01 p.m.
SEMA will take car of this one.
...or the tire company lobbyists.
socialists....shiny happy people
AngryCorvair wrote:
It's easy to demonstrate the direct relationship between rolling resistance and ultimate grip. therefore, on behalf of anyone whose vehicle, while equipped with low rolling-resistance (ie low-grip) tires mandated by this legislation, slides off the road and injures or kills anyone, i will bring suit against all legislators who agree with this legislation either by drafting it or signing it.
X 2 to the power of infinity
honestly, I run 050a Potenzas on my 318ti.. in a 235/45/17 size.. I still get mid 30s on the highway....
and they are a LOT stickier and wider than the 205/65/15 somethings that came on the car (they were mismatched)
I actually get better mileage with my Azenis Rt615's then with the Toyo Spectrums that were on my 7 when I got it. It rides a heck of a lot better too!
Based on my experience with the ride quality of the RT215, I think you must have mistakenly filled your Toyos with cement for this to be true.
P71 wrote:
Grab your tinfoil hats people, the stupid politicians are at it again!
At the request of Governor Theodore Kulongoski, the Oregon Speaker of the House has introduced legislation (H.B. 2186) to prohibit the sale and distribution of aftermarket motor vehicle parts if alternatives are available that “decrease greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles.” The bill is primarily focused on aftermarket tires and would authorize the Environmental Quality Commission to implement enforcement regulations, likely based on a rolling resistance calculation.
We Urge You to Contact Oregon Speaker of the House Dave Hunt and Members of the Environment and Water Committee (Contact Information Below) Immediately to Request Their Opposition to H.B. 2186
* H.B. 2186 would regulate vehicle fuel economy, an authority reserved to the federal government.
* H.B. 2186 could ban tires that may have improved performance, handling or appearance features, based solely on a rolling resistance rating. In addition, this program could easily distract consumers from focusing on more important safety issues such as tire inflation and overloading of vehicles.
* H.B. 2186 would force consumers to purchase only original equipment manufacturer (OEM) tires because the program essentially exempts OEM-selected tires and unfairly implies that they are superior to aftermarket products.
* H.B. 2186 could prohibit aftermarket parts designed to either personalize or optimize specific vehicle performance attributes including handling, towing, suspension, fuel economy, etc.
* H.B. 2186 provides broad authority to government regulators and could limit a range of aftermarket parts currently available to consumers based on the subjective determination of government regulators.
How's that for nutjob laws? Nashco we need you buddy!
Jeez, and I thought the return of the crusher laws was bad...
Stuff like this is why I support the gun people. It's not much of a step from "you don't need an AK-47 to go hunting" to "you don't need a sports car to get to work".
Hey, I'm actually a liberal. And I hate this kind of worthless PC posturing when there's real work to be done. Every moment this arseclown spends decrying the modified automobile wastes the effort needed to rebuild our nation's infrastructure and economy.
Besides, if he really wanted to save the environment, he'd start attacking this entire "emissions credit" fiasco and the large power companies that haven't tried to clean up their power plants yet. The automobile has been unfairly singled out for dang near thirty five years. With modern smog controls, any automobile made in the last twenty years probably purifies the air in a polluted environment. 
You ever driven on a set of Toyo Spectrums? Cement would probably be an upgrade... They are hidiously BAD.
seriously the backlash of something like this would be catostrophic
2/7/09 12:38 a.m.
"If tires are outlawed, then only outlaws will have tires."
"Tires are evil. They must be destroyed."
Sticky tires allow me to maintain speeds trough and not have to accelerate back up to speed. Scary idiots with cellphones taped to their ear need sticky tires to maintain what little control they have over their pavement barges. Proper tires for conditions save the environment, children, the whales, sinners, and more than once they have saved me from peril on the roads.
I propose mandated sticky tires in summer and snow tires in the winter. The life, medical, financial, and time savings would be immense.
this is horribly shortsighted and doomed to fail. if people are only allowed to put oem size, make, and model tires on their cars, what about people with cars that came with summer tires? will they be required to drive in the snow and ice on their summer tires. i'm sure that all that spinning and sliding will do wonders for mileage, not to mention safety.
captainzib wrote:
I think a politician trying to pass a law that relates to engineering should be required to possess an engineering degree. Same goes for all politicians trying to pass laws relating to fields that they don't know dick about.
You shouldn't write if you're not an English major.
You shouldn't post on internet unless you've got an English degree AND a Computer Science degree.
Osterizer wrote:
captainzib wrote:
I think a politician trying to pass a law that relates to engineering should be required to possess an engineering degree. Same goes for all politicians trying to pass laws relating to fields that they don't know dick about.
You shouldn't write if you're not an English major.
You shouldn't post on internet unless you've got an English degree AND a Computer Science degree.
there is a big difference between discussing something, and putting forth laws to regulate that something.
would it make sense if someone who wasn't an expert in some medical field, like heart surgery or something, trying to dictate to all heart surgeons how they will perform their surgeries, or what tools they are allowed to use. doesn't make a whole lot of sense, does it?
my bet is that you were just trolling anyways 
nothing to see here..
It won't pass.. these type of bills come up all the time. Stop socialism fear mongering.
I don't understand how this would be "socialism". I don't think that word means what you think it means.
Snow tires are now mandatory in Quebec from December to March, by the way. I think it's a good idea - a law that actually improves vehicle performance as well as dropping the number of accidents!