Some idiot soccer mom decided to turn left across my lane RIGHT in front of me
on the way to work this morning! Luckily I was A: Paying Attention (unlike her latte-sipping, cellphone-yapping idiot self) and B: in the 944. I was able to just brake in time and lay on the horn (which resulted in her dropping said coffee and phone as she bounced into the parking lot). Luckily there wasn't anybody behind me or I'd have been the meat in a nasty sandwich.
So now my neck hurts, the front lip of the 944 is scraped, and I need a new pair of pants (not literally). No hit, no damage, just idiocy. Unfortunately my already-frayed nerves aren't doing so hot right now. 
Thanks for letting me vent.
Some days we are the pigeon, some days we are the statue.
Glad to hear you are OK. All in all, it could have been so much worse.
Glad you're mostly unscathed. Another vote for general 944 goodness, but...kinda makes you want to revisit the whole P71-with-pushbar idea, doesn't it?
6/23/11 11:12 a.m.
Yesterday some college bint in Daddie's S60 shoved into my lane at a road split because she hadn't felt the need to wait in line with the rest of us plebes. If a left turn lane hadn't opened up just then I'd have been pushed into oncoming traffic. I followed her for half a mile with my hand on the horn continuously.
Glad to hear you and the 944 are OK.
Stealthtercel wrote:
Glad you're mostly unscathed. Another vote for general 944 goodness, but...kinda makes you want to revisit the whole P71-with-pushbar idea, doesn't it?
I swear to the Flying Spaghetti Monster that had I been in my old P71 I probably would have floored it and t-boned her ass into next week. She was only in a Fusion, but the 944 would have lost pretty badly (t-boning a moving target guarantees frame tweakage unless you're in a push-bar equipped Panther).
How did the front get damaged if you didnt make contact?
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Some days we are the pigeon, some days we are the statue.
I'd always heard that as "Sometimes you're the Dog, sometimes you're the fire hydrant." but either works I guess.
Glad everyone's okay, even her. After all, you don't need lawsuits clogging up your life.
joey48442 wrote:
How did the front get damaged if you didnt make contact?
That was a joke (car stopped so hard the nose ground into the pavement).
Had I actually hit her the nose would have been pushed in and then towards the passenger side as I contacted her fender, doors, and 1/4.
As it happened I stopped just short. Full stop too, BTW. Had somebody been following, even at a normal distance, I'd have been smushed.
2-lane road (1 each direction), no suicide lane, normal shoulders. I was 3-4 car lengths behind a pickup, both of us doing the speed limit (35). She was in the opposite lane trying to turn left into a parking lot. She went right as the truck went by, totally ignoring me even though she had line of sight.
Near misses happen all the damn time, but this is was the closest I've ever been without actual contact (I've been PITted by a red light runner, and side-swiped by an old biddy turning right for actual contacts). It honestly scared me. I'm still all weirded out, and not being very productive at work. 
DoctorBlade wrote:
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Some days we are the pigeon, some days we are the statue.
I'd always heard that as "Sometimes you're the Dog, sometimes you're the fire hydrant." but either works I guess.
Glad everyone's okay, even her. After all, you don't need lawsuits clogging up your life.
I've always heard it as some days you're the bug and some days you're the windshield.
I didn't stop to talk to her as I probably would have done something stupid, so after honking and ensuring I wasn't squashed or about to be I just left and continued to work.
I realized that I had a case of copy paper in the hatch for work, too. I'm damn lucky that didn't break through the rear seat and wallop me on the head.
6/23/11 8:18 p.m.
No harm, no foul. Count yourself lucky