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93gsxturbo HalfDork
5/4/12 11:49 p.m.

I have been running to the DSM shootout in Norwalk OH, half way across the top of the state on the turnpike, and rarely see a squad on the trip. Been doing it for almost 10 years now. We have blown past cops doing an easy 10 over in a pack with no hassles, and done quite a few "young, dumb, boosted car, 2AM" freeway pulls on the way there.

Besides for the Bob Evans, Ohio is pretty boring.

jere New Reader
5/5/12 2:43 a.m.
93gsxturbo wrote: I have been running to the DSM shootout in Norwalk OH, half way across the top of the state on the turnpike, and rarely see a squad on the trip. Been doing it for almost 10 years now. We have blown past cops doing an easy 10 over in a pack with no hassles, and done quite a few "young, dumb, boosted car, 2AM" freeway pulls on the way there. Besides for the Bob Evans, Ohio is pretty boring.

The turn pike isn't bad unless it's at peak hours when they are trying to freak everyone out. The townships are the places that state-e-s are the worst in. They don't live in the area and are just out to make as many traffic stops as possible. They all have to work in jails for a few years before they can even get into the patrol car so they are in full A-hole mode to top it all off.

I got stopped a few years ago for having a plate light out, and ended up being arrested (after passing all sobriety test and having the car torn apart in a hunt for drugs that weren't there) for having a baseball bat rolling around on the floor in the back of the car. It was just there with a bunch of other random stuff I hadn't cleaned out of the car. The problem according to the officer I didn't have a baseball or glove to go with it, therefore they considered it a "deadly weapon" . True story

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/5/12 8:09 a.m.

I would hate to think of what they would assume the 2 foot aluminum pipe in my trunk is for (hint, it's with the tools as I used it as a breaker bar)

dculberson Dork
5/5/12 8:36 a.m.
93gsxturbo wrote: Besides for the Bob Evans, Ohio is pretty boring.

I've driven through Wisconsin. C'mon.

Even South Dakota has more than one restaurant going for it. Have you ever driven through sunflower fields? They're awesome.

My point is all this bizarre "state-bigotry" does you guys no favors. Just demonstrates a dislike of America or something. Every state has problems but also has awesome stuff. There isn't a state in the country that's not worth visiting. Ohio is an incredible place to live, and I love it.

Anti-stance HalfDork
5/5/12 8:57 a.m.

I have a hate of cities more so than states. I would rather live in a tiny town than a big city anymore.

Woody GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
5/5/12 9:34 a.m.

In the Porsche 911 world, this is commonly referred to as the "Smuggler's Box":

Anti-stance HalfDork
5/5/12 9:36 a.m.

What was the "smuggler's box" originally for? Something Fuel pump/tank related?

Flynlow Reader
5/5/12 10:48 a.m.
Anti-stance wrote: What was the "smuggler's box" originally for? Something Fuel pump/tank related?

Not exactly:

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/5/12 2:08 p.m.
dculberson wrote: My point is all this bizarre "state-bigotry" does you guys no favors. Just demonstrates a dislike of America or something. Every state has problems but also has awesome stuff. There isn't a state in the country that's not worth visiting. Ohio is an incredible place to live, and I love it.

hey.. even NJ needs somebody to look down on

fasted58 UltraDork
5/5/12 3:35 p.m.
dculberson wrote: My point is all this bizarre "state-bigotry" does you guys no favors. Just demonstrates a dislike of America or something. Every state has problems but also has awesome stuff. There isn't a state in the country that's not worth visiting. Ohio is an incredible place to live, and I love it.

wasn't that long ago Pa. caught flak here for the turnpike, lousy roads etc., same w/ Fla., Mass., NY etc etc for various dislikes.

Relax Ohio... it's just your turn in the barrel

WilberM3 Dork
5/5/12 4:17 p.m.
Anti-stance wrote: What was the "smuggler's box" originally for? Something Fuel pump/tank related?

a crappy a/c system is fit in there sometimes

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