in trying to diagnose bad oil pressure sensor in the saab, i had the brilliant idea to stick my phone on the intake rolling video so i could start it for a second with the sensor out and see what happens. this was prior to cobbling together a bunch of fittings so i could hook up a mechanical gauge to the m16 threaded hole.
long story short, iphone covered in oil. took out of the case and wiped down with brake cleaner. everything worked fine but now when i make calls nobody can hear me unless i'm on speaker. DOH! hopefully it works tomorrow.
it was so covered i may as well have dropped it in a drain pan. maybe it'll be waterproof now. car guy problems.
I'm trying to imagine a scenario where this doesn't end in your phone covered in oil, and having a hard time.
That said, I've definitely been there before. "Let's just see what happens" is usually almost as dangerous as "Here, hold my beer".
2/25/15 3:49 p.m.
Well, at least your iPhone won't rust now....
2/25/15 3:52 p.m.
In reply to ThunderCougarFalconGoat:
Ba zing, beat you by seconds 
If you ain't first, you're last.
I bet it runs smoother now. 
2/25/15 5:05 p.m.
+1 about the earphone jack. The phone thinks you have headphones plugged in hence why it only works on speaker( or headphones).
a squirt of compressed air into the earphone jack should clear it out.. just do not wear anything nice when you do it
For future reference, the brake cleaner probably did more harm than the oil.
I might recommend the same trick as done with a wet phone. Submerse the handset in a bag of dry rice overnight.
It can't hurt; only help and cheap.
pretty sure we've all been there, one way or another!

do the bag of rice trick. the rice will attract Asians who will fix your phone...
2/25/15 7:58 p.m.
jmthunderbirdturbo wrote:
do the bag of rice trick. the rice will attract Asians who will fix your phone...
I'm dying at that.
Also, screw rice. Lab-grade isopropanol is where it's at. Displace all dat water and most of whatever else. Evaporates without residue.
Just don't use the microwave trick. That was a great hoax. The resulting explosions were wonderful.
Rice won't magically cause motor oil to be volatile at room temperature. Clean mineral oil and electronics actually get along quite well anyways.
2/25/15 8:51 p.m.
There's a reason I use waterproof Lifeproof cases on my phone. My friends always ask why I need waterproof since I dont do a lot around water. But I've dropped phones in oil pans before too. The cases do a pretty good job.