I was on my way to a job this morning and my coworker was free, so he said he'd meet up with me. When I was getting close I asked where he was at. He replied:
"I'm nearby, I just went the opposite way down Ashland."
So I literally looked up at my GPS unit to see where his "dot" was.

10/26/13 2:20 p.m.
I looked at one of the new Jag XF's that was sitting in a parking ramp and thought to myself "that'd bring 9k at LS customs!" You're not alone.
10/27/13 9:38 a.m.
It's funny, because it also highlights what I find wrong with the "new" Jaguar. While the S-type and the X-type were not very good cars, and the S-type in particular had a face that was....unique, they both LOOKED like Jaguars. There was no mistaking who made them. The XJ was probably dated by most standards, but damn if it still didn't look amazing to be, and best of all, it LOOKED LIKE A JAG. These new ones look like generic video game "rich cars". Tis unfortunate.
Back on the subject, was tired coming home from the theater last night, got out of the car, and checked to make sure I had a gun drawn because I was on foot and expecting a griefer. I don't OWN a real firearm currently, otherwise I probably would have gone upstairs to my own apt with a drawn weapon.
Since my favorite thing to do in GTA is steal cop cars, I have been feeling extra jittery when I see them in real life lately.
I catch myself picturing how I would get around everyone on the road.