Ok, like the title says, this sounds spammy, but it's not. I don't know if any of you know about Bing Rewards yet. The search engine Bing gives you reward points for searching and you can get 100 MS points, 400 MS points, Live Gold memberships, all kinds of stuff just by searching. I promise it's true. Anyway, if any of you want to sign up and try it out, use my link and it'll give me 25 points for each member who signs up. It's free, doesn't cost anything. Just search for stuff and get rewards. It really works. I already got my first 100 MS point card.
Link here:
Sounds similar to Four Square for Android.
Probably. I don't have Four Square though. LOL I thought it was cool when my friend told me about it and then I tried it and started racking up points pretty quickly here at work. LOL
Too bad I dont have any uses for xbox monies...
hold on... i'll have to google this to see if it's true..
Another Bing Rewards user here. It is legit, and 4cf, it's not just MS points, there are a few different small-denomination gift cards you can get from using Bing Rewards. It's good stuff.
So MS has to resort to giveaways to get people to use Bing?
neon4891 wrote:
So MS has to resort to giveaways to get people to use Bing?
They copied SwagBucks, except with a much better search engine. We use SB and have gotten quite a few Amazon gift cards, but for any serious searching, I still have to Google.
I remember something similar a few years back, except it was games I think, people would hack/bot it and get free copies of vista to put on ebay.
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
I remember something similar a few years back, except it was games I think, people would hack/bot it and get free copies of vista to put on ebay.
Making people pay actual money for vista!? that does sound like a scam!
Multiple Sclerosis points? Who'd want that?
Wow they have to pay people to use their search? 
Bing reward + Living Social helper = free automated searches and points
I just signed up. Now, where are my free Microsoft Points so I don't have to pay for my Skyrim expansion packs?!