9/13/14 9:34 p.m.
This summer I've drained the fuel from a ski boat, a wave runner, and now a scooter. I've got a solid 24 gallons in containers and nothing to run it in. My car is a diesel and my yard equipment is manual or electric. I can run it in my girlfriends car but I'm skeptical. The gas from the ski boat / waverunng is a solid 3 years old, and the scoot wouldn't idle so I'm assuming the gas is bad.
Can I still run this in my girlfriends car? Any suggestions for filtering?
Try it in a buddy's lawn mower first.
Burn it off a gallon or three at a time, the ethanol in modern fuel will make up for any water.
Run about 5 gallons in your neighbors car stealthily. Then watch for results
Let it sit in the biggest container until the water separates and then pump from the top into a 5g jug. Use the bottom gallon to start your fire pit and roast marshmallows.
don't worry, just run it.
I wonder if used brake fluid will accelerate the separating out of water from gasoline. It works pretty well to get coolant out of oil milkshake.