For a new job that is. After 7 and a half years at Comcast, they let me go today.
I'm not going to get into why they fired me, but let's just say I was singled out and made an example of.
I have a friend who works at Bridgestone that knows of some openings, so we'll see where that leads, but I'm going to file for unemployment Monday and try to figure out my health insurance.
I'm a ball of emotion right now. I'm pissed, I'm upset, and I'm relieved. This is the first job I have been fired from.
I will say one thing, I am certainly not getting back into the telecommunications business.
I'm really sorry to hear that. Good luck with the search.
Matt B
9/26/14 11:30 a.m.
Yeah, it's always tough going through that. I'll say though - if you're feeling a bit of relief, then usually situations like this end up being a blessing in disguise.
Damn, well on the bright side you're not working for that awful company anymore...
Been there man. Sucks when it happens but looking back it was one of the best career turning points for me. Chances are you were probably at least a level above the work that was being done there anyways. Leave them behind, keep your head up, and good luck with the search.
So does that mean you'll be working for Xfinity now? Oh. Wait. Nevermind.... 
That sucks man. Based on your skillset, it might not be a bad idea to look into home theatre installation gigs or low voltage wiring schooling and get into something you can work towards being a freelancer (if that sounds interesting to you at all).
9/26/14 11:56 a.m.
Comcast sucks, but you knew that. 
I got fired once officially, and 'laid off' once (but it was really a firing by people who avoided confrontation). Sometimes it's the kick in the pants you need to do something else. I had to take E36 M3ty interim jobs both times but eventually wound up in better places. It's not the end of the world.
I’m sorry SBF,
I got E36 M3 canned once, it was a rough day but nothing a beer or twelve couldn’t fix.
Sux about the job. What did you do and what do you want to do? And ru willing to re-locate?
9/26/14 1:06 p.m.
Of course the jackasses did it on a Friday. Ping me if you need to bs, I'm home all day.
9/26/14 1:15 p.m.
Eff'em man. I use those as opportunities to get the heck out of dodge.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
For a new job that is. After 7 and a half years at Comcast, they let me go today.
I'm not going to get into why they fired me, but let's just say I was singled out and made an example of.
I have a friend who works at Bridgestone that knows of some openings, so we'll see where that leads, but I'm going to file for unemployment Monday and try to figure out my health insurance.
I'm a ball of emotion right now. I'm pissed, I'm upset, and I'm relieved. This is the first job I have been fired from.
I will say one thing, I am certainly not getting back into the telecommunications business.
We've all heard the audio recording. It went viral
9/26/14 5:25 p.m.
pres589 wrote:
In reply to mndsm:
Is there a better day?
Monday, so at least you get the week off. When my work tried some ish on me, they did it right on Monday, I quit on Tuesday. They know they're going to can you right away, it's asinine in my opinion to make a guy suffer, because they usually warn you days in advance the meeting is coming. It's just a dick move.
The part I hate the most is that they were kind enough to tell me that I have benefits until the end of the month.
So I have Monday and Tuesday to figure out health insurance.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
I have a friend who works at Bridgestone that knows of some openings, so we'll see where that leads,
Honest Truth: Absolutely amazing company to work for 
That sucks. Good luck with the search for a new you.
Plus one on the COBRA. It won't be cheap, but it will tide you over until you land somewhere new.
Sorry you had to go through this. I've been laid off before and It's no fun. Use Cobra.
I wish I could have applied some COBRA when I was last on the market. I can say it was rough, but I've got a good thing now and getting canned was real motivation to move into a different field.
Network. It's not as much about what you know, it's often who you know too. And you may not know them yet.
Happy hunting!
9/26/14 9:24 p.m.
That sucks, man.
Hopefully it's a blessing in disguise.
That sucks man
9/27/14 10:15 a.m.
Allow me to pontificate for a moment-
I know you and I discussed this last night but- this is probably the best thing for you. We know you hated going, and getting up to go to work was akin to getting your junk caught in a bearing press. You only did it for the benefits and total apathy kept you stuck there. Trust me, I had the same problem. It was only by force and by the grace of my wife that I took a flying leap out the window that was berkeley my last job. I couldn't be happier now... because it forced me to look at what I wanted to do vs. what I HAD to do. For the first time in my life, I got a chance to go "Well, E36 M3. I guess I'm starting over. How do I want THIS to look?" and you know what? My current job is far from perfect. But it's a damn sight better than my old one, and I will be hard pressed to ever find a job easier, even if it does lack in the fulfillment department. I think you'll find yourself a lot happier at the end of this one, even if it does suck right now. Chin up my friend, gobble a handful of gummi bears and kill some pixels. All will be well.
Hope when you land that better job you look back and see that they did you a favor.