11/20/11 5:44 p.m.
there isnt a part of my body that doesnt hurt.. whacked out weather changes.. cold one day warm the next.. tendinitis is flaring up. arthritis is kickin to.. uuggghhhh.. Dr has me startin glucosomene condroitin.. not sure if i spelled that right.. love winter but this crap really sucks.. every year and not alot that can be done.
I hate the cold, and have no pains to blame it on, I just have Aussie blood I guess.
I also hate putting the cars away for Winter.
I hate cold weather.. period.. end of sentence.
I have borderline low good/low bad blood pressure. It runs on my father's side of the family. All of them (including my father who is moving next month) have relocated to florida to stay warm.
Once the weather starts getting chilly... I can't get warm. Even with the house kept at 73 degrees
Being rather large and insulated, I love the cold. Anything above 50 is too hot for me.
A full day of yard work and prepping the shop for winter left the damaged discs in my neck on fire today, crept down my shoulders and back too.
So, I put myself on light duty today.... Miller-Lite duty, that is 
Packed everything away for the winter, then we had a perfect fall weekend in the high 50s. The motorcycle was calling my name...loud.
(it was drowned out by the crying newborn BTW)
I HATE the cold. I have never been too hot.
I find it easier to get warm than to stay cool.
Also, the mosquitos die when it gets cold. Yay!
I have low blood pressure too. As long as i keep busy I don't freeze, but as soon as I stop moving, my hands and feet start to go numb.
I never believed in weather affecting joints, but the other day I was sore in every joint that's ever had any trauma in the last 30 years. The next day it was gone.
Cold weather = hockey /thread.