I have this low buck Century welder that I use once in a great while to attach two pieces of metal together. So I needed to load some new wire into the welder. So in goes the new wire and I manually feed it up into the feed hose/tube/thingy and off I go.
Or so I think. The welder will not feed wire. (I don't weld very often.) So I break out my old Hobart Handler to weld what I need to weld. No shielding gas, didn't feel like dragging it out and hooking it up. After that minor project is finished I go back to the Century welder to see what is up. Wire still won't feed. Switches? Checks out. But the motor feed motor won't feed. I poke and prod and find nothing. Then it hits me. The welding wire needs to be manually fed past the trigger in order for the welder feed mechanism to work. Duh. Did I mention that I didn't weld much? Century welder is fine now...
You can't expect to remember the specifics of a metal glue gun you're not using.
if that is your biggest "duh" of the day.. you did good
DOH !! moment yesterday.
Got towed up in a glider. The previous pilot had the altimeter set at zero, it should be set at field altitude, 437 ft. I was going to release at 1000 ft. AGL (above the ground) and that happens when the altimeter reads 1437 feet.
The dial spins up and when it got to 1000 feet, I released.
DOH !! Stupid, stupid, you idiot! You're only 600 feet up!!
Not enough altitude to get in the landing pattern and go around, looks like a down wind landing.
All the way down I'm yelling at myself and swearing.
Landing was fine, but with a 12 knot tailwind you really eat up runway fast!
Crap. Well it was good practice for something....
bet you don't do that again ... so a good day really ... you didn't get hurt/hurt anything AND you learned something you'll never do again 
yea.. that's a good doh! you learned from it and hurt nothing more than your pride
Thanx. Guess I'm ready if it ever has to be done in real life.
Wow 914driver... That must have been really exciting....
But not the kind of excitement you want...
But any landing you walk away from....
iceracer wrote:
check list?
Checklist was fine, it was my brain.
Welders are fun, aren't they?